Tbs Summer Discoveries

by RCSchim | November 17, 2013 | (0) Posted in Just Fun
This is my new series. I had really many great flights this summer with the tbs discovery. It is reliable and easy. Range is good and lately I moved to minimum groundstation effort (only use Fatshark Attitude sd with int. 5.8ghz rx) and liveout from Hero3.
Enjoy this first part: 


ghostrider03z on November 17, 2013
Now you really do have a beautiful landscape. What transitter did you use (for controls)
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liveyourdreamsRC on November 17, 2013
Amazing shots and scenery!
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Eoka on November 17, 2013
I have to agree with the previous comment. Really beautiful filmed.
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FASTCRASHER on November 17, 2013
nice view you got there
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Tbs Summer Discoveries