Swappable Trainer Build Plans and Videos

by smit6089 | March 7, 2013 | (38) Posted in Projects

     Well the time has finally come for me to put it out there and release the plans for my swappable trainer and each of the wing plans. (3ch Dihedrial wing and 4ch Aileron wing) First off, I apologize for the build video quality but hopefully it will suffice. I know the videos are a little long but I'd rather show too much then not enough. If you've done any of the FliteTest scratch builds you probably don't even need to watch the videos. The plans are in line with the FliteTest scratch build plans, same color coding, same style of assembly, ect. I wanted to make them as easy as possible to understand.


     The body is pretty strong on its own but I highly recommend the additional bracing. Which wing you choose will depend upon the flight control and characteristics that you want. In either wings case, the center of gravity is directly in front of the wing spar. This of course can be adjusted to fit your personal flying style and preferences. Neither wing will provide the very stable beginner style flying like the FT NutBall or the FT Flyer, but I was shooting for a much more old nitro style trainer feel.


(Please note, due to trying to keep the build as simple as possible this design is a steerable tail dragger. Most all trainers are in a Trike configuration for easier landings but this complicated the build quite a bit. Hopefully it will be an enjoyable flight none the less)


    The Dihedral wing will provide an easier to learn, slightly lighter airframe that flies pretty well on the Park 300 motor with an 800mah 2s battery and throwing a 8x4SF prop. It will run with the NTM 28-26 and the 3s but the added wight makes landings a little rough as it pushes the glide slope slightly over the edge.


     The Aileron wing provides a much faster flight, lower glide slope and a more scale flying experience. If using a 5+ch receiver you can set the ailerons up for flaperons and provide much easier take offs and landings. This wing will fly on the 300 Park motor with the 800mah 2s but it really comes together and screams if you use the NTM 28-26 with a 4s, the same setup as the FliteTest crew uses in the FT Bloody Wonder. (I tend to run a 2200mah 3s which will give you about 20 minutes of flight time). On this set up I like to run an 8x5 MA style prop.


(The following tip was copied from a FliteTest scratch build article)

TIP for printing the plans: 
To print "tiled" use Adobe Reader XI and in the print dialog select "POSTER", select "Cut Marks" and make sure "Tile Scale" is 100%. Then overlap and tape as required (after trimming the top overlapping edge). 
(Thanks youtuber larrybarrick for this suggestion!)



Download the plans Here



Dihedral Wing (3 Channel):

Download the plans Here




Aileron Wing (4 Channel):

Download the plans Here



Also wanted to share my current transmitter settings.

For the 4 Channel

D/R & Expo-
High Rates:
All 100% Rates with all 30% Expo

Low Rates:
with all 25% Expo

Travel adjust-
Moved elevator to 115% as it felt a little anemic to me

Normal: 0%
Land: Down 65%

Wing Tail Mix-
Dual Aile: ACT

For the 3 Channel

Set my rudder to operate off the Aileron channel. Just how I like to fly it, your choice.

D/R & Expo-
High Rates:
All 100% Rates with all 25% Expo

Low Rates:
with all 25% Expo

Travel adjust-
Moved elevator to 115% as it felt a little anemic to me


 Due to a few requests I'm re-uploading the plans with a few measurements and a measurement key on each set of plans to enusre they are printed to a proper scale (Within a few percent is fine, as long as the Fuse fits).

Trainer Body Plans with Measurements

Aileron Wing Plans with Measurements

Diheadral Wing Plans with Measurements

    I'm always open to any suggestions or changes that you feel will make this a better flying plane. Thanks so much for following this project and please upload and share your flights and build experiences.  


Happy Flying!


Mabbs on March 14, 2013
Gr8 job . keep up the good work . just one thing do you have a CG point for her ? thanks Mabbs
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smit6089 on March 14, 2013
Thanks! Should of marked it on the plans but directly in front of the spar works out pretty well if on the 4 channel. For the 3 channel it seams like dead center of the spar works best. If you build it let me know. Love some feed back!
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Foam Addict on March 23, 2013
Very good job. It is people like you how make me continue to come here!
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smit6089 on March 24, 2013
Thank you! Great to hear things like that.
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hady.ahmed on April 27, 2013
is that plan suitable for beginner who never fly before and that was the first model for him

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smit6089 on April 30, 2013
It works well for beginners but I wouldn't say it's a great first plane. I would recommend the Nut Ball or FT Flyer. Much easier to build and very easy to fly.
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202211050527 on April 2, 2013
Good Day Mr. smit6089
I am very much interested in your swappable trainer build,but my cutting and artistic skills are very poor :/
So I was wondering IF you could give me these plans in the Corel Draw format or anything similar so that I can directly give the file to my local cutting shop so that the parts can be cut automatically?
It would really help out with saving all the time and effort there,I would be using 5mm foamboard so an outline would really help which is full scale and ready to be cut.

If you do have any such file,or can work on creating one,please let me know :)
And is there any way I can contact you personally (outside flitetest) such as on RCGroups or email or chat or something?

Thank you vey much and as I said earlier,it's a real great thing you are doing there,I really appreciate it

Thank you and have a great day
Jack :)
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smit6089 on April 2, 2013
Sure. I'm on the forums here at flitetest and also on RC groups under the same screen name. I do not have any Corel Draw files for this plane but I have a friend that is familiar with the program and I'll see if he can give us a hand with the conversion/creation.
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202211050527 on April 2, 2013
So can this be done sometime soon?
By thursday maybe?
I really want to get the parts cut out and build this trainer and flyyyyy it :D
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202211050527 on April 2, 2013
Oh and I also wanted to ask,what software did you use for creating the file BEFORE converting it to pdf?
Any way you could send me the raw file (With the measurements) so I can maybe work something out with that?
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smit6089 on April 4, 2013
Very sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. I've been working non stop and haven't had a chance to do anything other then, well, work and sleep. I designed the plans using Google Layout. I've looked online and there is a program that can convert from layout to Corel Draw. I'm downloading it now. I'll get them to you as soon as I can. If it doesn't work I'll at least shoot you the layout file and hopefully that will help.
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smit6089 on April 7, 2013
I tried to convert them into Corel Draw but never had any luck. Here are the links to my raw files for google layout. Hopefully these will help.



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hady.ahmed on May 1, 2013
thanks for reply
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smit6089 on May 4, 2013
Any Time.
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Derrick on March 13, 2013
Like it, will be my next build I think. Couple of comments. I have started using 12.5 mm (half inch) dowel rod, I drill a hole down the centre of the rod, preferably in a drill stand if you have one, to keep the hole central to the rod, then I cut 'slivers' off the dowel using my band saw. These are great for putting on axles as wheel retainers, with a little hot melt and, with a larger hole, would replace the washers in this build. Cheap and easy.
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smit6089 on March 18, 2013
Sorry everyone work has been crazy latley but on my next days off Ill update the plans to include a measurment key and dimensions.
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smit6089 on March 14, 2013
That's a great idea. I like it. The washers became necessary due to all the lawn darting in the R&R phase of this build. Probably doesn't help that I'm such a green pilot either. :-) Thanks for the Tip.
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jamboree1 on March 23, 2013
The printout and build went very smooth, very easy to cut out and tape together with your design, thank you for an awsome project, I'd also like to know what CAD program you used.
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ringo42 on April 25, 2013
I built this last night, how do I know where the balance point is? Did i miss it in the video somewhere?
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smit6089 on April 30, 2013
Sorry, It is directly in the front of the spar. For a slightly easier flight, dead center of the spar works great.
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ronnie.burchfield. on March 7, 2013
great video i like it when you explain everything your doing thanks a lot keep up the good work
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smit6089 on March 7, 2013
I was afraid I was being a little redundant. Glad you enjoyed it.
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ronnie.burchfield. on March 7, 2013
can do do a video showing me how to set up flaprons i just got a dx6i but not use to it yet ! i would like to set my plane up like yours .. thanks
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smit6089 on March 7, 2013
I would be happy to if you would like. In the mean time here is a good article on RC Groups that may get you by for now. http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=849986
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ronnie.burchfield. on March 11, 2013
ok i will watch it. also for us new guys what did you mean when you said you set the travel adjustment to 115 percent for the elavator because it was enemic what does that mean and how do i do that on my dx6i radio
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danield on September 23, 2015
Yes, explain (Moved elevator to 115%) I'm just got my Orange Transmitter. I know,we are always learning.
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Skipp2Maloo on March 7, 2013
Great videos' Great plans. This one will definitely be in my hanger. Thanks
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smit6089 on March 7, 2013
Great to hear. Thank you! Let me know what you think.
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Adib Vahedi on March 7, 2013
Great Scratch Built! And thanks for the build videos!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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smit6089 on March 7, 2013
Thanks! Hopefully they help.
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ronnie.burchfield. on March 19, 2013
well i built this plane i put a article in but its still pending make sure you check it out
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smit6089 on March 19, 2013
Great. I cant wait to see it.
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brizrobbo on March 8, 2013
Perfect. Thanks, just what us noobs needed.
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smit6089 on March 8, 2013
The FT Flyer would be the best place to start for a total 'noob' but this one will give you a great old nitro feel. Hope you enjoy it!
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oneiwily on March 17, 2013
great work m8, I know this may sound tedious, but measurement in the wing plans would be wicked :)
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smit6089 on March 22, 2013
Plans now re-uploaded to include a measurement key.
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danield on September 23, 2015
Thanks, laying it out today.
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ronnie.burchfield. on March 17, 2013
you should get flitetest to sell your kit at there store that would be cool
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ronnie.burchfield. on March 20, 2013
ok i flew it today !!!! 2 thumbs up i didnt even have to trim i set it up good i guess!!! but man i was doing rolls,loops,inverted . with no trouble at all. i am running the silver monster 1700 kv its a bit slow but it does ok til my new motor comes in from hobbyking. thanks for a great plane . sorry no video but i was bymyself maybe this weekend my wife can video me flying
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smit6089 on March 22, 2013
Thats so great. Im really glad she flew well. My first few versions were major failures. Hope to see a video soon. :-)
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ronnie.burchfield. on March 23, 2013
me to but weather sucks here !!! so i built your 3 channel wing just to see how it flies. but still no measurements but you said they were in there are they somewhere else cause i still had no measurments
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smit6089 on April 4, 2013
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smit6089 on March 24, 2013
Glad it went well. I've just been using Google Sketchup. It's free and pretty easy to learn.
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jamboree1 on March 25, 2013
Thanks, program is now downloaded
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ronnie.burchfield. on March 11, 2013
i have a blue wonder motor on my swappable will that work with this plane ?
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smit6089 on March 14, 2013
To be honest, I'm not sure. I don't have enough experience to make that call and honestly would hate for you to build it and then it not fly. I think it would work but you might have to over prop it a size and it would probably be pretty hard on your motor. Sorry for such a useless answer, lol.
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ronnie.burchfield. on March 16, 2013
hey atleast your honest thats what i like . thanks im going to just order a new motor to be on safe side
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danield on September 23, 2015
Do believe it will fly with a blue wonder, just get CG correct. If under powered it will climb slow. May have to hand launch. Thrust must exceed gross weight to do vertical.
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Mirabile Visu on March 7, 2013
Excellent, thank you. I'm doing the FT Bloody Wonder next, and then I'll try your aileron design.
By the way, you really need a Turnigy servo tester - I was sceptical until I bought one !
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smit6089 on March 7, 2013
I just recently got to get out and really fly my FT Bloody Wonder and it is wonderful
(no pun intended). You'll really enjoy it. I'm still building up my RC tool collection. I finally have a watt/voltage meter on order and I'll take a look at servo testers, thanks!
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CiderPunk on March 7, 2013
loving the washer-based skewer reinforcement idea!
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smit6089 on March 7, 2013
Thank you! Through the design process I lawn darted a few of my prototypes and ripped the skewers straight through the foam. So it was born from necessity. A couple on the power pod go quite a way as well.
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majik53 on March 20, 2013
I was having issues with elongating skewer holes in my projects, too.. drill a hole in a pop stick and trim to size, doesn't add much weight. Dab of hot glue.

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smit6089 on March 22, 2013
Great idea, thanks.
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danield on September 23, 2015
I've tried aluminum pop rivet washer. Credit card stock works good on inside. (ugly)
Plastic tie off bread wrapper. Lots of things work,
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smit6089 on March 7, 2013
Due to some interest I added in my current transmitter settings as a jumping off point.
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202211050527 on March 11, 2013
This is most likely to be my next project,one suggestion I would give you is to please mention a scale somewhere in your PDFs,would really help with the printing :P
Great job nonetheless :D
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smit6089 on March 11, 2013
Thanks a lot! I thought about putting a scale on the plans and honestly just forgot. As soon as I have a chance I'll try to re-upload the plans with a scale added in.
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202211050527 on March 13, 2013
Do update this thread on when the scale plans are up
In the mean time,do I print it on A1 paper or A0 paper?
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smit6089 on March 22, 2013
New plans are uploaded to include a measurement key. I just print on standard printer paper and tile it together. If you wanted to print on a single sheet the full plan size is 31" x 21" so A1 should work fine.
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smit6089 on March 22, 2013
Plans now re-uploaded to include a measurement key.
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billsbigf8 on March 12, 2013
he just printed tout the plans,i love how you tile print them out and match the lines,this saves having to go to kinkos and spend 12 bucks for a big print. can t wait to build it the skytrainer was my favorite plane and used to be the first id fly at the feild . looking forward to the build.let you know how it turns out.
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smit6089 on March 13, 2013
Yeah, it takes a while to put the plans together but the price is right. And if you build it please let me know what you think! I don't exactly have a lot of experience so what I think flies great might just be terrible... lol
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nickatredbox on March 12, 2013
nice videos
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smit6089 on March 12, 2013
Thanks a lot! I appreciate that.
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Jdmartin on March 19, 2013
Great build videos and plans.....does this build use the Dollar Tree Foam Board?
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ronnie.burchfield. on March 19, 2013
thats what i used it worked great !!!
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smit6089 on March 19, 2013
Yup yup!
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ronnie.burchfield. on March 17, 2013
ok smit6089 i got my plans downloaded my ailorin wing measured out at 29 inches wide is that right i didnt hear you say the wingspan.
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Arend on June 30, 2013
You made my Sunday!
I build this trainer plane, however I used the dihedral but I added ailerons. I wanted to train using ailerons but at the same time I knew that the dihedral would recover mistakes. The only issue is the small area for them I think I ended up having 0.75 inch of depth on them, which looked small, but totally worked. I tried three props. The first was a 8/6 which was somewhat okay, however I had trouble getting high enough before I could make mistakes so I nosedived that one. The next was a 9/4.7 which climbed nicely. I had three solid rounds around the field, got more comfortable with yank and bank, and even recovered from a couple of near crashes. I mostly flew with 1/3 throttle so I thought: Why not try a smaller one, and my son was also curious about it, since the 8/4 which I had in mind was orange! However, no lift with that prop, but still enough control to get the plane to the ground with any bigger damage. I had to put a rubber band around the power pod and the nose after the first crash but that was it. In summary: Indeed nice trainer, and in my setup very helpful for me to ease into yank and bank. Thank you for the nice design, this one will be flown more often! Cheers Arend
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smit6089 on October 12, 2013
Sorry it took me months to get back to you but I'm so glad that this design worked for you! I'm also very glad to hear you are sharing this hobby with your son! Cheers.
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patrick_stadler on November 9, 2013
just finished my 3ch version, cant wait to go fly it ! Great job on the plans and the videos, Build was super easy
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smit6089 on November 16, 2013
Awesome. Let me know how it flies!
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FlyingKiwi on December 14, 2013
Can anybody give me some advice on using "The Beef" powerpack from lazertoyz. 2215/09 and 9x6 prop. Thinking about learning with this before I step up to the FT 3D I bought.
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sheldonc on April 9, 2014
If you're looking to put The Beef package into the trainer here, wondering if it'll work... yes, it'll work. I just flew with a motor and prop combo that's a lot like it with this plane. Flies great slow or fast. If you're just starting out, yes, you can get into trouble with the power that combo puts out, but if you behave with your throttle, then no big deal! Built with the aileron wing this is a fantastic learner... and can be made even more stable by putting in some ailerons with the dihedral wing. The package from Lazer toyz is a pretty good deal, with all tried and proven components.
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Yogenh on March 27, 2014
I love the way you did the tail wheel!!!!!
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sheldonc on April 9, 2014
built from your plans, using a cut down FT Simple Soarer wing (30 inches) with added Ailerons. I made the windshield a bit steeper and made the fuse a little taller from top to bottom as I'm going for more of a Cessna look. I programmed in flaperons. I thought while programming: Let's be aggressive and see what 80% would be like. Loads of dihedral with the wing, so why not? It built up great, easy and quick build. Did some modifications with how the power pod went in. but used mostly the same FT type stuff.
Flew fantastic even with a bent tail. I think when glueing it up I didn't have as much bend on one side as the other so was skewed off to one side. didn't matter at all.
Maiden went great today, just after getting back from a short flight in a real Cessna. She barely needed any clicks of trim... though it was a purely compulsive maiden as I knew I needed to adjust the elevator control rod (no ez adjusters) to give more up than what I had. Was enough for a few circles around my field until I thought hey, lets give 'er full flaps. wouldn't have been an issue if I wasn't over the oak trees bordering the field. Oops. Lotsa flaps needs lotsa up elevator. I know this, but numbly fumbled to get rid of the flaps a bit too slowly... A few sections of PVC duct-taped together and I've got the plane back. Will do some simple repairs and get her up again soon. Thanks for the plans, video and the patience to put it all together! Great trainer! But also a great all-around flyer!
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270winchester on May 27, 2014
I have a question that would be very appreciated if you could answer it. I am at the stage to put the rear servos in and am trying to mount the servo holder. In you video it looks like the servo holder is somewhat in the middle of where the wing goes and the tail. On mine to make it fit properly with the power pod has to be almost all the way up to the wing. What am i doing wrong? To make it fit in the same area as your video i would need a longer power pod. Is this correct, do i need to make a longer pod than the original?

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smit6089 on January 28, 2015
Sorry for the super delayed answer. It is built with loose tolerances so do not worry too much about the servo placement as long as it balances roughly on the spar. You can fine tune the balance to fit your taste but on the spar is where I fly. Just have fun building it and fine tune as you fly.
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narobin10 on July 19, 2014
Excellent design and videos for building helped me and mhy son build this over the weekend. We build the 3 channel version for his 1st airplane ever and the 4 channel that he can grow into! He had a blast being in the air at the same time as me! It's so much more fun to fly with someone! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. In true "Flite Test" style, you have helped expand this hobby to others that may be to timid to try without your help!
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smit6089 on January 28, 2015
Thank you so much for your kind words. It means a lot to me. More videos coming soon!

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BigDean65 on January 17, 2016
Very nicely done! I have been looking for a good trainer and this looks like a good one!
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jrvalentin62 on November 9, 2015
Does anyone know where the CG is? I must have missed it. Clear Skies, Calm Winds
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macner on September 8, 2016
Hey, it is really good to find out this site and thread! i am a real newbie. I have two questions at the begining.
1) What type of material you are using for building? I wonder if i can find it in my hometown.
2) Is it possible to share the DXF or any other vector format of the desing for scaling it to;
I have 2 servos and a DC motor which is left behind a crashed helicopter (unfortunately this model has no spare parts :/ )
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ermiya on July 14, 2020
HI thank you for your very simple and good plain but where is power pod plan???
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Swappable Trainer Build Plans and Videos