Super Circle Plane

by FliteTest | July 22, 2015 | (10) Posted in Challenges

Flying through gates is fun, but flying through something that's flying is even better! The Super Circle Plane is a giant scratch built foam board Annular Wing airplane that took to the sky at the 2015 Flite Fest event.

With the help of the pilots who came out to the 2015 Flite Fest event, the Super Circle Plane was completed and ready for it's maiden.

One of the many group projects at Flite Fest, the Super Circle Plane was a project created to offer a fun mid-air challenge for the pilots at our 2nd Annual Festival of Flight.

It was a blast to see so many people involved with the Giant Circle-Winged RC Airplane as well as all of the pilots who joined in on the fun and attempted to go through the ringed wing.

Along with all of the pilots who joined in on the fun, there were also many of you who filmed some of the crazy stuff like this at the event.

Be sure to share some of your experiences and upload your videos and tag them Flite Fest 2015!

We'd like to thank everyone who helped with this Super Circle Plane project and the pilots who shared their video footage featured in this episode!

You can learn more about Flite Fest HERE!


Bsvoboda02 on July 23, 2015
Which day at the event was this?
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FliteTest on July 23, 2015
Hmm... Friday I think! -Austin
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krinaman on July 23, 2015
Sounds about right. The running attempt was the day before. Then there was another flight Thursday night after we fixed it and added the yard sticks that didn't make the video.
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Bsvoboda02 on July 23, 2015
Oh, I guess I missed it on Friday. Looked like fun!
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RAM on July 23, 2015
Great job Flite Test and crew. and volunteers...
I hope you share this video with all the news organizations. It's so nice to see the creation of such a kid friendly company. Hats off to the hornets nest of attack pilots and hats off to the hyena pack who left the field with no chunk left un-torn.
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Zeb Ludlow on July 27, 2015
EPIC!!!!!! Best flite test episode! I think you can can class the poor circle plane as a warbird. Did i see David W's mini tricopter?
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Mawson on August 17, 2015
Peter, I think I have the solution to the flop issue. Have you considered using PVC electrical conduit for the edges of the wing? (This stuff:

It could far more than hold the wings shape and protecting the edges from strikes, too. Since the conduit pieces slide together it could make the wing modular, speeding repairs, increasing portability, and decreasing setup and take down time. And could run the wiring through it to protect it, putting disconnects at the end of each piece, mounting leds, EL wire, etc directly to the conduit. Each piece of conduit could be a self contained section with a motor, and lighting.
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krinaman on July 23, 2015
Looks like the string we ran around the circle is the only thing that kept the plane together after the first big hit.
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moebeast on July 25, 2015
You are right, at 8:09 you can see the foam was torn all the way through.
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earthsciteach on July 23, 2015
This is why Flite Test is such a special organization. You guys really captured the spirit of Flite Fest with this episode! Awesome.

Hi, Balu!
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adamalbert on July 27, 2015
This is video of the full size version we built for the 2003 Flugtag. The ribs are foam, spar is PVC, covering is heat shrink plastic. Flight conditions - 30 mph head wind. Pilot is my wife.
First 20 seconds is boring showmanship stuff.
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awesomedirt5 on July 23, 2015
When is the next event that flite test will be going to? I would like to go be being in Canada that needs some pre-planning.
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maxsmodels on July 23, 2015
You have given those kids memories they will cherish forever. It was so cool, it looked like a German Gotha bomber be attacked by RFC fighters over London or if you prefer a giant prehistoric flying reptile under attack by predatory birds. Whatever the case it was just awesome. Every time I wonder how will you guys keep the show interesting and you always come up with something.
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NathanJ on July 23, 2015
What you said. Up boat.
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Jake3dpilot on July 23, 2015
Nice job Peter when are you going to have a flitefest recap

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Wright_of_Way on July 23, 2015
Maybe a triangle plane or circle amphibian?
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Tri blades on July 23, 2015
Wish I could of been at fight fest looks like you guys had fun thank you guys for sharing
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How2What4 on January 31, 2016
I've love to see some crazy designed create around WIG Wing in Ground Effect
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Super Circle Plane