SPEED - One Sheet No Waste Simple Fold Speed Delta

by dharkless | March 13, 2015 | (9) Posted in Projects

Hello All,


This is a  short article previewing my latest design, ""One Sheet No Waste Simple Fold Speed Delta".

The key word is "speed".  I have not designed an airplane before where the primary concept was speed so this is new ground for me. I also wanted to stay within the "Single Sheet No Waste" and "Simple Fold" design concepts. Stuck in a rut I am! (and digging my way out).

One of the peolpe who built one of my earlier designs asked if I had any suggestions for using the same motor and getting to as high a speed as possible, possibly even 100 MPH.  I thought he would get more speed from the earlier delta design but probably not close to 100 MPH. I started thinking about what would go in that direction. 

My thoughts were to stay as similar to   the design concepts used in my last article as posssible but modify it for maximim speed.  My first thoughts were to make it longer and narrower. I started playing with a sheet of paper simply turning the axis 90 degrees and the mock-up came together within a few minutes.

Update 3-13-14:

Here is the plan:

To Print: First left click on the drawing to select it then right click to print.


Here are a few pictures of the completed prototype. The paper mock-up appears in the foreground of the first picture: 

You might want to move some of this on top for belly landings.

I do like the clean topsides though.

Juxtiposition fo tail plane and winglet angles.

The motor I used on this is the same as the other builder had used on one of my earlier one sheet designs with good results.  It is a Turnigy D2826-6 2200 KV.  This is a great motor.  It has a great thrust to weight ratio and is reasonable.  The maximum pull rating is listed on the manufacturer's spec sheet at 960 g.  I have tested mine with a 7060 cut down to 6" and got numbers approaching 900 without topping the battery off.

Simple math:

If the pitch of the prop is 6 then (assuming 100 % efficiency) it travels 1' in two revolutions.  The thearetical number of revolutions per minute would be the KV (2200) times the voltage (11.1).  That would be 24420 RPM.  The travel would be half the RPM in feet since the prop travels 1' in two revolutions.  That would be 12210' per minute.  Times 60 minutes per hour 732,600' per hour.  Divided by 5280' per mile equals 138.75 MPH.  I do not know how efficioent propellers are but I would guess at least 60%. (I have seen average figures for full sized aircraft at 50% to 85%.  So it vafies pretty widely.  I am sure it does in the hobby as well.)   60 % of 138.75 is 83.25 MPH.  If the propeller is 75% efficient the speed would be 104 MPH.  I know there are a bunch of other factors that affect the actual efficiency and speed but it seems to me that 100MPH might be possible.

Update 3-14-15:  Final weight ready to fly 539 g.  Anticipated thrust 900 g+


Motor: Turnigy 2826-6 2200 KV; Rated  342 W, 960g thrust

Prop: 7060 Orange cut down to 6" (may change to lower pitch after testing)

Servos: (2) Tower Pro SG90 9g

ESC: Red Brick 30A (may change to 40A after testing)

Radio:  FlySky FS-T6

Receiver:  Hobby King HKGT2R  3 channel  (only 7g - less than $6)

 (End Update)

Well, that is it for now.  I plan to do a build article within the next two weeks.  I am also working on an article modifying the "Simple Fold Delta" to and EDF. I am not sure which will be out first but I hope to have both within two or three weeks.

If you are interested please subscribe.

If you have any questions or commets please use the comment section so it is shared with all.

Spirng is close.  The big thaw is on in Westerrn PA.  I hope to be flying soon.  Good luck on your flying season. 


Miracle Air on March 13, 2015
That thing looks mean. I think it snarled at me.
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sailorJohn on March 13, 2015
Looks like I'll be building another plane. It appears to have 3 qtrs. on the nose I believe that's "6 bits", good name for a plane
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dharkless on March 13, 2015
Actually there are 4 in each stack plus 6 more inside.
Let me know if you do build it (or if you have built any of mine in the past). Send me some pictures.
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Flyingninja on March 13, 2015
Dude, this is so cool! It kind of looks like the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars.
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dharkless on March 14, 2015
Build one and join the Force.
May the Force be with you!
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Desert Wings on March 13, 2015
Please, update us on the flight characteristics (video would be awesome too) after you have it flying. I am very interested in trying this one.
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kevin.lu.5245 on March 21, 2015
hi,can anyone help me,where i can buy the foam board or what store
can buy in USA????thank you ....
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dharkless on March 22, 2015
It is "FT Tiny Trainer". I believe you can either build it from free plans or buy a kit. The kit would be much easier to build if you are just starting.

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dharkless on March 22, 2015
Dollar Tree has this foam board for $1.00 per sheet. It is sold as a school supply for making posters.
If you are very new to this I would suggest that this s not a good first plane. You should start with a basic trainer like the one that FlieTest has just come out with, I believe it is a currently features article. You can make a basic trainer that can be updated as your skills grow.
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edinpa on March 24, 2015
The 80 inch is on the list to build! I sent you an email with some photos of the delta and the wing I am working on now.
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dharkless on March 13, 2015
Thanks. I designed it with lean and mean in mind. I hope the performance bears that out as well.
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Miracle Air on March 13, 2015
Can't wait to see the video. Good luck on the maiden.
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dharkless on March 13, 2015
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Miracle Air on March 13, 2015
Hey, you seem to be a big fan of angled vertical stabilizers. Added stability? Do they function like polyhedral wing tips?
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dharkless on March 13, 2015
I just like the way they look. Straight is boring. I don't think there is much difference if they are not operable. Thanks for sharing observations.
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johanjonker on March 13, 2015
I notice you ( like me ) build allot of planes.. I guess you also have very little time flying compared the the time you have building,. Most of the time I have to enjoy my hobby is after the sun has gone down.

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dharkless on March 13, 2015
I do a lot of flying in the summer but not winter. In summer I do both, often flying till dark then building till 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. Summer flying is often the last hour or two of the day. I do consider myself better at design and building than flying but I enjoy both equally, I would never skip flying on a good weather day because I had a hot build going,
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kevin.lu.5245 on March 22, 2015
i see,thank you ..
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techflite on March 16, 2015
dang that looks cool. whats the pay load limit

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dharkless on March 16, 2015
Thanks! It would probably handle a couple of 1/4# flower bombs. It is designed for speed not payload.
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edinpa on March 24, 2015
Nice Design! I like all your designes, I just built this one this weekend, just waiting for some propes to be delivered then I will get it in the air!
I also am a big fan of your wings I cant tell you how many versa and form of virsa wings I have built over the past few years! I am curentlu building one and I am going to ues your virtical stablizer design and incorporate it. Question, you mentioned that you used oil based spray paint what brand and where did you get it?
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dharkless on March 24, 2015
Great! You are going to get the maiden for this design. I have still not gotten out doe to weather here. Can you send some pictures? My e-mail is: dhark69@gmail.com
How long did it take you to build?
You must be pretty good at building since i didn't do the build article yet.
You should try my 80" wing. I flew it almost every time I was out last fall. It flies great.
I have used almost everything that Lowe's stocks. Some spray finer but otherwise all about the same. Just spray light and from at least 12". I just let dry and then "sand" with my bare hand. It does the best job of removing the paper fibers that the paint brings up without damaging the paint.
Shoot me an e-mail. Keep in touch.
Where are you in PA (me too)
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dharkless on April 4, 2015
Hey edinpa,
Bad news. I tried to maiden mine on Thursday. It flipped straight on it's back and nosed in hard at 15 - 20'. I think the torque from the motor is too much for the narrow wings to counter. I an going to try a smaller motor and lower pitch prop,
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udo789 on March 13, 2015
Keep up the good work. Hope to see videos soon.
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dharkless on March 13, 2015
Thanks. The weather looks like it might be breaking here in western PA. I will try to get video as soon as possible
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SPEED - One Sheet No Waste Simple Fold Speed Delta