Solo Pro Motor MOD for Parkzone Micros!

by Rcairplanenoob | November 16, 2013 | (0) Posted in How To

here is a step by step how-to on installing the solo pro or nine eagles motor in your parkzone micro.



Slushfund on November 18, 2013
Oh, I have a Solo Pro II. I works on the Solo Pro II too!
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Slushfund on November 18, 2013
My mSR-X and mCP-X v2 copters had motor problems.
I added a lubricant, Harken OneDrop Ball Bearing Conditioner to the motor. it takes about some time to get the motor to come back. I use this on my boat. West Marine sells it.
You run the motor until warm. Put one SMALL drop on the motor on the shaft side and let the motor sit over night with the shaft pointing to the ceiling. I use a soldering helping hands aligator clip. Do this slowly! One SMALL drop per application and let it sit over night.
The sqweeling and cluncking will go away. On the copters the the tail wiggle goes away when you do this to the tail motor.
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Solo Pro Motor MOD for Parkzone Micros!