Skywalker Naja Maiden

by Zatoichi | April 23, 2014 | (7) Posted in Reviews


Zato's Naja

Maiden flight

Naja 1920mm FPV Plane.[IMG]
Just shy of two meters and with a AUW of 2350g,this plane flew fine.

It has plenty of power with a 1250 kv Arodrive motor and a HK 60 amp esc.[IMG]

Nanotech 5 amp 4c battery in the lower section for flight power.

I am using a 2200mah 3c to power my 1.5 w! 5.8ghz VTX from FPVHiee (until my regulator gets here,then it is a single battery setup.)[IMG] [IMG]
LOTS of room inside!
1.5 w 5.8ghz VTX from FPVHiee 

Cyclops Breeze pro osd from HiModel.

Sky cam Beta from Run Cam.

Servos: 12g x4

prop:10x6 Master Airscrew GF 3 series

Turnigy 9x

FrSky RX hacked for RSSI.(Thank you bonafidepirate!)[IMG]

This plane was sent to us for review by Jason at FPV Model.

This plane wants to fly. It feels like a high wing trainer.
No way you will eliminate prop in view if you use the provided flat spot in the nose. You will want to mount your camera out on a wing for that.
My first fixed wing flight in some time and it was no sweat. Landing was fine.
This plane may ROG(SLG?) takeoff. It has the pull I think. We will look into that.

So far it is a nice gentle flyer and I enjoy it quite a lot.=D
It helps to have two people and plenty of patience for the build.


casehatter on April 28, 2014
Yea ya need to do like the Pirate and do some long range ya reckon
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Zatoichi on May 1, 2014
This is the plan compadre. It is looking good for LR flights outa this sucker.It is large on the inside and I think she will float some. We will see soon enough!
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Skywalker Naja Maiden