Simple FPV platform for SK450.

by rifted | October 17, 2013 | (0) Posted in Tips

All right so hands to the mud...

I needed to add a plataform to hold my FPV gear to my two best flying machines in the less possible time so this weekend I could go out an film a farm of a relative and all the stuff I bught to modify and hold the camera has not arrived. So I needed to add the rig in the most simple way which I did. I created 3 of these plates and hold them as simple as I could imagine wich was using Zip ties. And this is what I ended up with. 

I use balsa wood a scrach of hard wood of some kind that I had spear on my stock and a balsa angle also that I had left form a old OLD proyect.

Use some epoxy glue to stick every thing up.

and zip tie it to the frame. UH! and also added some cushon to the places where the wood touch the frame to "lower down" the vibrations.

the final result while testing it works, BUT I do have some yellow effect in the video so its not 100% off vibrations.

The cool thing is that the battery still straps to the same place as before.


And why not, I added also to my second SK450 the same rig... on a just in case the other one fails/crash I have a back up lol.

And yes there is a tricopter next to them which I also will fly and its based on Davids design.

My SK450  set up

#1: SK450 

Multistar 800 KV

20 amps HK ESC reflashed with SimonK software.

KK2.0 (flashed with 1.6 but not tunned it fly OK as stock)

SQ450 frame (duh)

10x4.7 props

bats: I use two types 3cell 3.3 nano tech and 5.0 I get 10 and 16 min out of them. 

#2: SK450 

NTM 1300KV

30 amps Multistar ESC (Stock not reflashed)

KK2.0 (with 1.5 I think and also not 100% tunned in it fly okish)

8x 4.5 props

bat: 4cell 3.3 nanotech (10 min flight time)


Tricopter (a little hybrid of David's tricopter 2.5 with the DT750): 

DT 750 kv

20 amps HK ESC reflashed with SimonK software.

KK2.0 (with 1.5 I think and also not 100% tunned in it fly okish)

10x4.7 props 

bat: 2.2 nanotech and 3.3 nanotech (2.2 arround 8 min and 3.3 have not tested the time yet)


Hope you find some inspiration that you dont need fancy FPV rigs to fly as long you enjoy flying!

Kind Regards,

Ed Christlieb.


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Simple FPV platform for SK450.