RX antennas and how to treat and protect them.

by x3mperformance | March 19, 2013 | (6) Posted in How To

RX Antennas...

It's just a couple of wires, whats the big deal ???

Ahh, there's a little bit more to that...

Flitetest team explaned some aspects about RX sattelites and diversity.

I'll go on from there.

Those small wires, are the only point of insurance, between you and disastre. Treat them well to get a good reception.

First of all, they need to be straight, just like on my pictures here, not wavy or bend. That is due to a maximum reception, is only obtained when the small antenna, is at it's optimum lenght, divided by it's frequency ie the exact lenght of the entire wire, as from factory, this is only possible, when 100% straight.

Also, do not cut them down, strip them, making them longer, place them firmly up at a carbon surface or other silly stuff like that.

It will only make the reception weaker.


I like to protect my antennas, and do something active to keeping them straight. Here shown at a RX sattelite

It takes a couple of pieces of heatshrink and a small amount of hot glue,  that's all.


Here i have encased the antennas inside the heatshrink.

I add a small drop of hotglue to the plastic casing to secure the heatshrink.

This will help holding the small antennas straight, protect them against any damage upon impact etc.


I even uses this on my RX too.

Here is my AR6115e without it's plastic covering, where the antennas are protekted with heatshrink and hot glue.

Even the boards are protected by a layer of hotglue. You can even se a tiny air bubble on top of one of the black chips.




pickupduck on March 26, 2013
On my Spektrum receivers i use: Robart Pressure Tubing, ROB185.
The tubing fits very tight over the little end from where the antenna exits the receiver.
Works perfectly in keeping things straight!
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madmodellerbamford on March 23, 2013
My method is simpler. I find lying around the discarded plastic tube that is inside kiddies lollipops. When washed they are the perfect internal diameter to slip over the stubs where the antenna wires exit the rx case. Cut them to the correct length and there you go. Perfect protection for both wires.
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RX antennas and how to treat and protect them.