RC Pilots Anonymous, Are You Addicted to RC?

by FlyingMonkey | May 10, 2013 | (17) Posted in Just Fun

If you're reading this, chances are you're an addict like me.

We smile, and wink, and joke about it, but many of us are actually addicted to being RC Pilots.  Who out there hasn't paid for a bit of RC gear while thinking "I shouldn't be buying this, but..."  Or snuck out of work early to take advantage of a beutiful day for flying?  

Now, if you're taking a hammer to the piggy bank, or raiding your kids college fund, maybe your addiction has reached a point where you need more help than we can give you here.  But with any addiction, the first step is knowing you have a problem, so let's start by figuring out, am I addicted to RC flying?

A google search for "signs of addiction" brought me to a Huffington Post article that listed seven signs.  How many apply to you?


The seven signs were as follows...

1) Questioning.  The author of the article, Barb Rogers says that if you have to ask yourself if you're addicted, then chances are you are addicted.  I know I've asked myself am I addicted to RC flying before.

2) Defensiveness.  Has anyone who doesn't understand RC ever asked you "how much do you spend on your airplanes?" and you found yourself struggling to try to justify the costs to them? I'll just make another check mark here...

3) Blaming.  "I wouldn't have bought that new airplane if those darn Flite Test guys didn't make it look so nice in the review.  

4) Secrets and Lies.  Who hasn't told a little white lie here or there, such as "No honey, that's not a new plane."

5) Time and effort was listed as a sign.  Do you devote a portion of your time or effort towards going out to fly?  Does it ever take away from other things you "should" be doing, like homework, or mowing the yard?

6) Guilt and shame.  This for me sort of is connected to defensiveness.  I've tried to explain building foam airplanes to friends.  Only to be ridiculed for trying to make disposable dinnerware fly.  I've also felt the sting of guilt after spending more money than I probably should have on RC gear.

7) Isolation.  Maybe it's better for you where you are, but finding fellow RC pilots to fly with here can be a little difficult.  So I end up spending more and more time alone, flying in isolated fields.  I've traveled hundreds of miles, spent hours of driving to get to a place where I can join in with others who share my addiction.  If that's not a sign, I'm not sure what would be.



The good news is that you're not alone.  Over on the Flite Test forums you can find many people just like yourself struggling with their addiction.  Or enjoying, it all depends on how you look at it I suppose.  With their assistance you can find ways to manage your addiction.  

Join in on the conversation.  Are you exhibiting signs that didn't make the list?  Like refreshing the Flite Test "New Posts" page to see if there's been any updates, when you're supposed to be working?


Tell us about it here... 



lobstermash on May 11, 2013
For me I think the addiction is to something new and different. I've managed to stem the flow for now, but would love to set up an 'exchange program', so that there's always something new to fly. Mind you, like with some songs, you can fly some planes again and again without getting bored of them...
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sailorJohn on May 14, 2013
All we can do is get other people hooked then the addicted will be the norm.
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mightybubble on May 11, 2013
Does setting up a new paypal account to pay for rc gear that the wife cant check and getting me son into the hobby (bare in mind he is only 7) so i can buy him planes that I have to fly first count towards being addicted?
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Zatoichi on May 11, 2013
Your sick dude.We can be friends.
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brianm311 on May 12, 2013
it's ok there are lots of us out there with the same affliction. it doesn't make you a bad person embrace it!!! it is good!!!!!
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Rickster on May 12, 2013
Is't this website about building and flying? Lets see yours.
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FlyingMonkey on May 12, 2013
You are talking about my aircraft, right? I am sure I have some pictures of my aircraft somewhere over on the Flite Test forums. Feel free to look through my profile and posts there... http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?3-FlyingMonkey
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yeojalviz1981 on May 15, 2013
i get my daily dose of flite test updates...hobby king new products...goodluckbuy cheapest product offers...RCgroups forum..hook the battery and see the led light starts my day without actual flying..charging a battery even if it is fully charge...then i ask myself, Am I addicted to this hobby?
you decided....cheers
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enivid on May 12, 2013
I think I'm more addicted to FT... Maybe that will come out cheaper in the long run? Probably not.
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NoUsername on May 12, 2013
Oh no, guess thats me there talking about here!
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Pilot-294 on May 14, 2013
My name is Jesse.... and im an RC addict...
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Cyberdactyl on May 11, 2013
I wanted to get into FPV multirotors WAY back in 2009 when I saw Holger Buss demonstrate his MR; https://vimeo.com/6194911

But I decided it was still a bit in it's infancy and a little too expensive for anything but the crappiest Chinese stuff. So I waited until 2012. I also set a hard quarterly budget which I stick to. For example, I wanting desperately to get a GoPro 3, but settled for the Foxtech V3. I ..think.. I have control over it. Time will tell.

One thing that makes it harder is watching the guys at Flitetest treat their RC equipment like utter crap, like money grows on trees.

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Kurt0326 on November 15, 2014
umm, no. We send them that money, paying for scratch builds. I guess it's entertainment for us...
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tramsgar on May 12, 2013
#8: Trying to make your addiction seem more like a normal activity by introducing other people to it.
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Bjarkix2 on May 13, 2013
Really, i just thought i had an great interest in flight aero dynamics, and a experimenting mind. Well, apparently i´m sick. We are all sick :D
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onebladeprop on May 12, 2013
I'm not addicted I can stop anytime I want
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Bjarkix2 on May 13, 2013
yeah right :D only addicted people say that... ;)
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5 oclock charlie on May 11, 2013
if all the rc junkies didnt have rc to keep themselves busy and focused,they would be geeking out on something else. imagine all that energy focused into something useful lol.
im an rc junkie and im proud of it.
dont bother calling hobbyists anonymous until youre breaking into cars and homes to get your servo fix for the day.

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leadpipe58 on May 12, 2013
I whould not say I am a junkie BUT I probably have as much old electronics as I have new.
I still have a proprorchnal radio some were
the best is looking at the kit boxes filled with stuff from built kits.I keep building, no problem.
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foamwingnut on May 14, 2013
Hello, name is John, it's been 3 hours since my last attempted flight.
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Kurt0326 on November 15, 2014
Hello, my name is Kurt and I'm an addict. Comeon' who here hasn't been sitting there with your wife talking away about "something important" and we drift off in to RC land...
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danield on December 14, 2014
Well something has to keep me off the streets, in the air ?
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RC Pilots Anonymous, Are You Addicted to RC?