RC FreedomFox

by frederik | February 16, 2018 | (15) Posted in Projects

When I watched to vlog 134 of flite test I was impressed by how nice the small Bush planes are, definitely the FreedomFox of Trent Palmer. It looks so nice and I got even more impressed after seeing Trent’s video of the $2.5mil Flying Camera video.

So my dream is to also have my own FreedomFox to fly wherever I want to. but I don’t have the money to buy one, so I thought why not make one from foam so I can fly my own tiny FreedomFox.


I’ve build some FT planes before but I never designed my own plane.

So I started with importing the plans of the FT BUSHWACKER in to my CAD software 

and scaled it down to 50%. I used it to get started and did some changes to make it look more like the KITFOX.

After that I made my plans and I made a skin that I can paste onto my foam. 

After that I started building. I cut out my pieces and pasted my skin on the foam and covered it with some transparent book cover.

I 3D printed my landing gear and made it so I can easily put it on or off the plane.

I used a Emax 2204-2300 kv motor with a 6 x 45 prop  anda 1500 mah batery to get the cg wright 

The maiden flight 

the plane was a little bit heavy with the paper skin and the heavy battery to get a proper cg. So it can only fly fast to get enough lift to stay in the air. It does'nt have the characteristics of a Bush plane but I am happy of the fact that I designed a plane that flies.

landing gear print file: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2799626/#collections


lynxstrife on February 19, 2018
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frederik on February 20, 2018
i first gone make a bigger wing so its flys better and if it is good than can i put the plans online
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Timwetzel on February 20, 2018
plans?? Looks amazing i also want a bush plane when i grow up

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scottie on February 25, 2018
Very nice !!
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jetpackninja on February 19, 2018
Nice- got a link for the landing gear print file?

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frederik on February 19, 2018

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frederik on February 19, 2018
I drew it myself. I will post it on thingiverse
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Nathaniel on February 19, 2018
Awesome job dude!!
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Mo on February 19, 2018
Plans please???!!!!
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frederik on February 20, 2018
i first gone make a bigger wing so its flys better and if it is good than can i put the plans online
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coolrcflyer on August 4, 2018
Any status on the plans for this?
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Dayfliesaplane on December 6, 2019
Can we get the plans?
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Rcfoamgliders on May 3, 2021
Plans? please
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patrick.vanwalle@telenet.be on February 16, 2018
I love it
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tcalico71 on February 19, 2018
That's cool!
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Ben Roudebush on March 17, 2018
Great job, can't believe how scale you got it to look. I've built my own planes before but could never get the scale realism you got.
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lelongalex86@gmail.com on August 5, 2018
So about those plans..... Are they ever gonna be available??
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JoeCarpino on February 25, 2018
That’s awesome, looks just like the real Freedom Fox! GREAT JOB👍
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Michael9865 on February 16, 2018
Nice plane
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frederik on February 16, 2018
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Michael9865 on February 16, 2018
Ingenious landing gear setup also.
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TheRedGamerFPV on January 24, 2020
Any updates on the plans? I want to build this plane, but I'll have to price everything out, so I would greatly appreciate it if you link me to the plans, finished or not
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Dayfliesaplane on December 6, 2019
Can we get the plans for freedomfox
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ConcordeSpeedbird1978 on December 8, 2024
Can we have A4 tiled printable plans please Sir? I'd love to make one from Correx/Corro-Plas
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RC FreedomFox