product of my first gimbal multirotor video.

by FLYitRC | April 10, 2014 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

Hey guys, 

So I consider myself the black hole where multirotors go to die... I have had very little lasting success with My scratch built frames as i get too carrried away and end up breaking booms and frames.

I then went to purchasing frames. and the Cheap one i found works great, replacing the whole frame is 15 dollars with the solder pads, as well the arms are only 3 bucks a piece with free shipping.

its a clone of the DJI F450. I really like the frame, small compact and very inexpensive to fix. and way less time fixing.  

I also purchased a Goodluck buy Gimbal and installed it on the quad. this video is my first "test" video. its my control group for after i balance the props and get my smoother motors on.  yes i said it. NO BALANCING  was done. on purpose though.. so please sit back for the next 2 minutes and enjoy some scenic views of the local bird sanctuary in Abbotsford BC Canada.


MikeF74 on April 10, 2014
Very nice, which clone is it? I found HK's SK450's plastic to be too flexible and it breaks easy and introduces too much vibration.
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FLYitRC on April 11, 2014
Ted, I know what you mean by the quality in the arms of the cheaper frames. deffinately a difference, but I've only noticed it when flying FPV, just more vibrations, I'm also using Older NTM 1100KV motors that have been in about 12 or 13 crashes so they arent the smoothest anymore. I have some Sunnyskies coming to replace them and 10x4 CF props on a bigger 3S battery. thinking 3500 or something.
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FLYitRC on April 10, 2014
Its a Clone djiF450, 14.99 with free shipping from china, arms are 3 bucks, I really like it, I crashed really hard the otherday while flying with no camera gear... tallied up the damage... 4 bucks. 1 arm and 2 props. will take me about 10 min to change everything out as oppossed to 45 min with a scratchbuilt frame.
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Ted on April 11, 2014
I went down the same road with a scratch built H quad, I had much trouble keeping it in the air. Now I have bought a couple of f450 clone frames. the first one was about $40 and is fairly solid, though didn't realize how solid until I bought a $15 clone kit to replace a broken arm, much more flex in the cheaper kit.

The other thing I did was give up on the DT750's. I ended up going with some Angel series Sunnyskys. They were so much easier to set up than the DT750's and only a a few dollars more.

Since the motor swap I've flown four sessions without a major incident. A bit more stick time and I'll be giving FPV a try.
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ArchiCopters on April 11, 2014
Which gimbal is it? Can you post a photo or the name?
Thank you!
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product of my first gimbal multirotor video.