Marc achieves a much further range with the custom built vee antenna. Works out at over a kilometer including through trees and buildings. I am hoping that open air should be well over 10km.
This is using the OrangeRX OpenLRS receiver modules with one configured as the transmitter.
Lots more RCHacking on my website.
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With your range testing can you re orientate your tx antenna so that it resembles an inverted V, with the orientation that you have it in now will have a low angle of radiation (not good for things above you) your intended use (flight) you want a higher angle of radiation because your multirotor is above you
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I think the inverted vee that hams use is more directional because of the ground plane, also its inverted simply because its easy to put up that way.
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I am doing a video on the openLRSng code soon so might cover it then. Needs cleaning up but I might send it to Kari. try this:
Just change the three variablebuzzfreq lines.
uint32_t variablebuzzfreq = 2000; //declare at top
if (RF_Mode == Received) {
uint8_t rx_buf[4];
// got telemetry packet
lastTelemetry = micros();
RF_Mode = Receive;
spiSendAddress(0x7f); // Send the package read command
for (int16_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
rx_buf[i] = spiReadData();
//Serial.println(rx_buf[0]); // print rssi value
variablebuzzfreq = 2100 + (4 * rx_buf[0]);
uint32_t time = micros();
if ((time - lastSent) >= modem_params[bind_data.modem_params].interval) {
lastSent = time;
if (ppmAge < 8) {
uint8_t tx_buf[11];
if (lastTelemetry) {
if ((time - lastTelemetry) > modem_params[bind_data.modem_params].interval) {
// telemetry lost
} else {
// telemetry link re-established
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