
by Atarix777 | May 19, 2014 | (5) Posted in Projects

Hello everyone!

As the title already (more or less) indicated, I would like to talk with you about a very interesting prototype that I had my hands on some days ago...

The Idea? Flying and Controlling a FPV Multicopter with just a single hand! Possible? Yes!

But not just that, it seem to be also very easy to use... Usefull? Well, that is what i want to know from you, so please leave me nice comment below the video on youtube or right here on :)

Thank you very much!


1959cutter on May 19, 2014
great concept and demonstration!
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Atarix777 on May 19, 2014
Thank you, i am glad u liked it :)
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trigger on May 21, 2014
That's a really interesting project, I love the idea and the concept.

The 3D mouse is quite affordable, Arduinos are cheap, and the possibilities are great.

Do you plan on releasing the software (for free or otherwise) ?
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Atarix777 on May 21, 2014
Thank you, i am glad to hear that you like it :)

Actually i am not the head of this project (my job was mainly to pilot the copters and to make sure that all worked out without hurting anyone or braking anything ^^) and so far I donĀ“t know what the programmers plan to do later on with their software, but probably they will release a free version for the rc community and maybe come up with a special version (like a pre programmed kit or something) for ppl. that are new to the hobby.

But so far I can not tell how fast or when this will happen. However, if the will be any news i will post them here :)
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PaladinDG on May 19, 2014
I have used the Space Navigator (aka 3D Mouse) for several years with my CAD software... never even thought of using it like this..... very interesting!!
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Atarix777 on May 21, 2014
So for you it would be very simple to get into it, probably just like usind google earth ore something :D
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SuperJon on May 19, 2014
I'm loving this! This is truly one of the most unnoticed innovations for FPV in quite some time. Imagine how much more expansive this industry will become when an operator no longer has to be intimidated by the conventional controllers as the only option. Keep it coming!

Very nice work!
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Atarix777 on May 19, 2014
I guess it's just a matter of time until the industry will become just so big that we will gain a vast number of law's to stop the fun where ever it will be possible (thx to the irresponsible usage by persons that just don't understand that these machines are not simpel toys)... That is a very sad thing and I would not like to see that a simplyfied "Stand-alone-Controller" make even more of these kind of peoples populating the airfields.

Now in the case of the controller that i show in the video this would not happen because it was designed to be combined to a conventional controller and to be programmed with (also for security reasons), but of course sooner or later someone will show up with something different - if it didn't happend already. I mean... a APM can practicaly already fly without any controller nowdays, following a simple routine, awesome on one side, dangerous on the other...

But I would also see some very posive aspects on a controller like this, too... For example (and that is the most moving one) accident victims with just one arm/hand could use it while flying together with a Spotter what would be a blast. Prof. Pilots would have a free hand to controll some other routines...

PS: Thank you very much for your comment and opinion :)
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Sirglider on May 20, 2014
really innovative project and interesting one. Of course I think it's better to use it for the camera operator than for the pilot, but nevertheless it is very creative. Congratulations to your team!
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Atarix777 on May 21, 2014
Yeah, actually i think the same thing... A single stick will probably never replace a real remote and to me it would take probably the fun of flying in real time, but for some single options like for the camera it could become really interesting... Or when you want a cup of coffee while flying, too ^^
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Cyberdactyl on May 21, 2014
That's not a gaming joystick, it's a CAD input device. I'm pretty sure gaming stores don't carry 3DCConnexion devices. And this has been done before, but it's awesome to see it was done with an Ardunio! Sure would like to see a tutorial.
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Atarix777 on May 22, 2014
Oh yes, thats true, i should have better said "Computer Store", thx for the hint :)
I blame the country that i live in, over here we do not have any good real computer or real gaming stores, but just these big supermarkets with everything all thrown together... One of the programmers told me that he uses the stick to play space invaders and I never saw them before of the day i made the video, that made the rest ^^

PS: I heared that something like this was done with a Notebook a while ago to help some ppl. that are in a wheelcair.
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janrsubs on June 1, 2014
Hi there my friend.
I have just seen this article about the one handed control system.
It something I have been dreaming about for many years.
I was involved in a very bad motorbike crash in 1982 when I was in the Royal Navy.
As a result I lost my right arm.
Can you please tell me how hard is this kind of system to setup as you can imagine what this could do for me & other disabled people. Allowing us to get in this amazing hobby.
I can't what for you to get back to me.
Many thanks. Barry Roach (janrsubs)
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Atarix777 on June 4, 2014
Hello, sorry for my late replay but I went aways for a short vaccation during these days. I am very sorry to hear about your accident from back then and I hope that we maybe can help you to get into the hobby with this controller.

First off I have to say that - even if the final version could theoretically work with every kind of model - the programmers try to get it to work mainly with autostabalized Multirotors (like APM, NAZA ecc.) because they are very easy to handle at the beginning. It is not a "Stand alone" Controller but need to be connected to a full working Radio - using its Trainerport.

I assume that you do not have so far any flight experience so far, so what you would def. need (also because of your disadvantage, for example when a fast reaction on both sticks could be required) would be a experienced Pilot on your side who can always take over when there are any problems (like in the case that the Controller doesn't work or something else happens).

All in all it should not be very hard to get the controller (once the software is flashed to the controller you will just need to plug it on the mainradio), but a bit of basis knowledge about the radio ecc. would help out a lot.

Do you know someone with a multirotor in your area who could help you out with the basics? Or, in the case you don't - do you have a nice friend who would like to learn and to join thisexperience? In this case I would suggest to you to get together a Radio and a Multiror Set (if you want I can make some suggestions in this case) to get into the basics and to get the machine into the air - the Arduino and 3D Stick would become in this case a Step for later on...
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