I built this V-tail last month after the intro of the Bat-Bone Frame.
Now that David released the V-tail video, I decided to share mine.
Starting with David's frame, and 12mm wood.
I tried to do the bent aluminum, but didn't like the look, so I got some "erector set" pieces for Home Depot.
They sell little 45deg metal angles that worked great. I bent them a little more to get 35deg
I built a little V to ensure the arms didn't get any closer together since the props are so close to each other.
I built this out of a piece of aluminum angle that I folded over.
Then I built the front arms just like a Tricopter.
Then added electronics.
Then a Gopro Gimbal (too heavy) and all the FPV gear.
Then decided to upgrade the DT-700 motors to SunnySky 2216-11 900kv motors.
Frame - David's Tricopter frame
Landing Gear - Flite Test
Booms - 12mm wood
Controller - KK2.0 v1.6
Motors - SunnySky 2216-11 900kv
ESC's - SimonK flashed HK F-20a
Props - 11x4.7 front 10x14.7 rear
V-tail at 35deg
Always disarm your multirotor before approaching.
This is what happens when you get in a hurry, and are too excited to follow simple safety measures. I spent all day building the new V-Tail. I took it out to fly it, and my dogs were in the back yard. I armed it, but motor 2 had come unplugged. I set the remote on the porch, and went to fix it (still haven't flown it), and my dog Gabby, being curious, wanted to see what would happen if she moved one of the sticks while my face was over the helicopter. 4 cuts, and, 20 stitches later. One cut went all the way through my right nostril.
I got home at about midnight from the ER, and had to see if it flew.
It does, as long as you don't put your face above it.
Mods, feel free to remove the pics if they seem to "gory"
I just figured I show my mistake so others wont repeat it.
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Would love to see some video of it flying and maybe some fpv?
Thanks for sharing.
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Great build by the way. I like the pieces you used to get the 45degree angle.
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Mine were from carrying an armed quad and the strap hooking the throttle. I was LUCKY, I was using flimsy Slow-Fly props. If they had been carbon fiber, it would have been REAL nasty.
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While a 1200kv motor with a smaller 9047 prop at 11 volts will thrust only 800 grams and will draw a heftier 16.8 amps.
So, lower KV with a larger prop sometimes gives more thrust while drawing less amps. (Depends on what the "dyno testing" is.) The biggest result is longer flight times.
Not that I knew all this but your question made me wonder also so I looked up the specs.
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