Multirotor Tuning Mega Database Proposal

by Corsair2014 | January 30, 2014 | (11) Posted in Projects

UPDATE: here is a sample spreadsheet i started. let me know what you think, and if i should add anything. once we get the format nailed down, we can start compiling people's setups (:




So i was listening to the last FliteTest podcast the other day, and they were talking about compiling a bunch of multirotor setups and posting the PID settings for those setups. I think this would be a great and very beneficial idea. It could be setup as a massive excel spreadsheet, and we could email FliteTest our setups and they can add them to a Google Doc or something that everyone can view and see updated in real time.

Im having a hard time explain this, so i will make an example layout to demonstrate.



I think this would be an awesome reference tool for people just starting out, or if someone can't get their frame dialed in just right this can give them a good starting point.


What do yall think FliteTest? Flite test community? leave your comments below on what you think! Hopefully the Flitetest guys will implement this cuz i think it would be awesome!


Over and out,




P.S. sorry for the mainly boring article, this is mainly to get feedback from you guys and hopefully Flitetest guys on this idea, as I'd love to see it implemented. Even if i have to manage it myself, i may be able to pull it off. Who knows, just thought I'd see where this goes!


wackelmitdeipopo on February 3, 2014
nice! a column with hovering time would be great!
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Hilbert on January 31, 2014
This is an example of a forum post instead of an article ;-)
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Corsair2014 on January 31, 2014
probably :P
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windphile on January 31, 2014
Great work. I think a better toll to manage, the hopefully, immense amount of data would be using google forms or fusion tables.
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ghostrider03z on January 30, 2014
I think it would be awesome, the trouble is is that everyone always is complaining "every multirotor is different" which is true, but people flying with the same setup as you can be a great place to start with tuning your craft, I think the idea is good. It would just be one of the many things the few people at FT have to do, but then again, it is their job mostly.
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Corsair2014 on January 30, 2014
yeah! thats also why i thought itd be important to add the WEIGHT of the setup, this way you can see how the PIDs change with voltage/disc loading on the props etc etc

oh and i forgot to add kv to my motor list, but that is very important too
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ghostrider03z on January 30, 2014
Also you could have P gains/limits in the same column, and people could just list it like this (80/35) meaning their p gain is 80 and the p limit is 35, the same method would be done with the other stuff. That pretty much covers all the info needed.
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Corsair2014 on January 31, 2014
UPDATE: Here is a sample spreadsheet i made. what do yall think of the format? anyting i should add?
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nicktutttle on January 31, 2014
Looks good! Like kenc3dan says, maybe a field to specify m2m lengths? Make it publicly editable and we can start adding our info!
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nicktutttle on January 31, 2014
I think a google spreadsheet would be perfect. One group started something similar for my laser cutter and it helps tons to get started with new material settings..

Something like this?
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Corsair2014 on January 31, 2014
yeah, good idea. this weekend i may look into starting a spreadsheet and yall can like email me your setups in a certain format, and i an add them as i receive them or something, and get the ball rolling. from there we can see what happens, and maybe move to that SQL server idea EngyWook was talking about
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kenc3dan on January 31, 2014
Someday inter-motor distances would be a nice thing to link to the Model field as well.
Tri, quad, hex, spider quad, spider hex - they've all got various motor layouts and spacing.
I'm sure the folks with spider layouts especially have problems with tuning. Perfect symmetry is convenient but not always the best choice. In any case, it's a "nice to have".
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engywook on January 31, 2014
I like the idea, but I think that an on line DB (MySql for example) and a simple front-end can be build so the FliteTest team doesn't have to manipulate the data (which make more work for them and more delay for us). The front-end could also take into account rating to show how many users tried and validated the proposed setup.

I am not a web designer, so it would be ugly, but I can code the system. For the hosting, I don't know what FliteTest has access too (I am used to PHP and MySql). I can try a POC (prove of concept) on my website and let you see/try it (if enough users want it).
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Corsair2014 on January 31, 2014
this is a good idea. i may be contacting you about doing this soon and we can talk out some details if this generates enough interest

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tbone on February 3, 2014
Great initiative! I was inspired and created a simple database for this purpose. Check it out at
If there is a big interest in this kind of database I will consider moving it to a more appropriate domain and develop it further with sorting and filtering of frames. / Martin
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caseMasterxL on January 31, 2014
I think this would be a great idea. Agreed that every mult-rotor is different, especially those that build their own from scratch; but the database would be a great place to start by choosing settings that are closest to your build. I would definitely contribute to this.
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Pillip Flop on January 31, 2014
would it look something like this
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nicktutttle on January 31, 2014
Nice! how do you enter the data?
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Pillip Flop on January 31, 2014
Hi nicktutttle I`m pretty sure has been collecting these type of data sets since 2011 all the data is already in the public domain and freely available( I think) So what you are looking to do pretty much already exists If you go to the multiwii forum and look for Config Database you can input your settings to the database. Then get access to it. It`s all in the spirit of the open souse project which is always a good thing .Cheers.

Data input link
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Corsair2014 on January 31, 2014
yes, sort of. but as i said before, that is setup as a POLL, and basically just finds what the large averages of users are doing, not specific setups etc.
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Corsair2014 on January 31, 2014
kind of, but more of a spreadsheet. this one seems to be more of a poll, rather than a data base

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Multirotor Tuning Mega Database Proposal