Last year I had a few FPV meetings. All the time I did regret to just have the Quad with me. With a Quad you just can't keep up with the speed and flighttimes of simple planes.
So now I prepared my Easystar 2 to be the most simple FPV plane you can imagine. No fancy stuff (like OSD, GPS....) just attach the wings, throw in a battery (one flight battery 2200mah 3cell for plane and FPV stuff) and fly. Flighttimes greater than 10mins with 2200mah is pretty good!
Horyzon V3 even starts the recording for you if it gets power! The small cam has only little air drag, little additional weight to the plane - so the flight characteristics of the plane stay almost the same.
As I show in the video the Plane has some downsides vs Quad also: if you have some wind, you will see it on the video. I flew in high winds- no problem - it just doesnt look good!
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