Mighty mini BF-109 V1

by owadkar | November 28, 2021 | (8) Posted in Projects

First of all I would like to say thanks to flite test community for showing totally different perspective RC flying . Foam board RC is so much fun and rewarding at same time . I started building RC with FT with some scratch builds and kept working on my skills for more advanced planes . Recently I stumbled upon this paper model of BF-109 and it was just perfect , even this small model flies very well and thought I could just convert it into RC using foam board and I was totally blown away by what it turned out .

You can download the plans below , I couldn't find a tool to break this plan into tiles ,So I did it manually.  took a screenshots of each section . (please feel free to share some better ideas if anyone is more familier with such tools) and printed at 245%. 

This is how big it looks after blowing it up. which is roughly similar size of mighty mini models . 

The fuselage looks very realistic, I tried to follow few foam-board  bending techniques from master series and the result was astonishing.

Added some cardboard nose-top  and also made front cannons which you can see in the final pic .for motor mount I just used standard mighty mini size power pod with some modification for nose .Also Since the top of the model looks really nice so I didn't feel like making to hatch to install battery from top , Instead I preferred making a small opening at the bottom . The fuselage holds its shape very well but you can add inner support as needed . I added some support to hold servos and receiver . 

I sanded the inner edges of the wings to make them more streamlined .

I did some research on different color schemes and like this with yellow / grey / charcoal , which makes it really visible in sky . 

I am running to on power pack-F with 850mAmps 3 - cell LiPo (6045 prop) I have also tried 4 cell and its so much fun . It looks very scale in sky and  flies like a real BF-109 with high climb rate.  I am going to try different combinations of motors on this model for more speed !!  

It's one tough fighter , flying strong after three crashes !!


owadkar on July 8, 2022
found this tool to split image https://www.imgonline.com.ua/eng/cut-photo-into-pieces.php
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prayer3290 on July 13, 2022
Nice plane! think I will try it .
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owadkar on July 13, 2022
Thanks !! please share your build as well !! I am working on next version on BF 109 . I will share it soon
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prayer3290 on July 19, 2022
How long is the plane?
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owadkar on July 21, 2022
around 5-6 mins on 4 cell 850 mAmp lipo
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Avajos on July 21, 2022
How high can it go? https://monkey-type.org
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owadkar on July 21, 2022
it goes high really fast , but since its a small plane you wont be able view it
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Takaosan on August 21, 2022
Hello I wanted to ask you for a photo with battery /controls on this model
I printed the images on paper and preparing to glue on the depron
Any info will be apreciated
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owadkar on August 25, 2022
Thanks , I made a small opening at the bottom of wing ( front ) where battery sits right under the power pod .
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owadkar on August 25, 2022
sorry I didn't take any pictures from the bottom and inside . but its just a rectangular foam board , you can thicken it by adding multiple sheets . try to make sure that more weight is at the center of fuselage
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synjin on August 31, 2022
Fiddler's Green paper models, like the one used for this build, can make a great launching point for foam board planes. Check them out!
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synjin on August 31, 2022
Of course, you may want to check with Fiddler's Green about putting their plans online for download.
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smiling albert on May 19, 2023
Great build.
I wanted to ask about the wing and the way you created the aerodynamic shape.
Did you have a rectangular piece of foam ( for a fold over) inside and if so how did you decide on it’s size and position .
Same for the wing servos,how did you decide where to put them.
Also how you attached the tail fin .

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owadkar on May 19, 2023
Thanks , I have a single sheet of rectangular foam-board spar similar to mini-mustang . the position is around 25 % from the leading edge . Wing servos are at same level as spar . just 3" inside length of the wing . Tail fin is bit tricky since the stabilizer sits in the middle , so I made small cut in the fin to make space for stabilizer and added some BBQ skewers for support .
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smiling albert on May 20, 2023
Thanks for this.
Sorry for more questions but this has got me very excited!
Did you have some extra material at the bottom of the fin that sits inside the fuselage for extra support so it doesn’t move from side to side?
Also did you add anything across the centre of the wing to maintain the dihedral shape?
Finally (for now!) I am thinking of trying to fly these things as slow as possible ie scale speed and am building a 24 .6inch wing span version.
I do have these batteries needing a home

,not much juice but would it be enough with the right motor.?
Just found another of my old motors
Is that a bit heavy at 29 g and the spec says it needs a 3s battery which would also add to the weight or could I use my homeless 2s.?
Ps rather than sanding wing edges could try using an iron,but practice on waste piece first!

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owadkar on May 22, 2023
Happy to answer any questions , I really want to see some builds from community .
Yes the fin is inserted in the fuselage and I also added BBQ skewers vertically to stop side-to-side motion .
I like to fly is fast so I used power pack-f with 850 mAmps 4 cell motor . I also observed some tip stalls when flying slow. So I recommend flying it fast . I just used hot glue and tape to keep the dihedral in place . and if you like to fly slow then you can increase the wingspan by an inch and add make your spar thicker so you have more aerofoil on the wing for more lift . Also you can make curved edges. I have also built a V2 of this which is much smoother and can fly fast well .

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Mighty mini BF-109 V1