I have been working on a giant foamie that has over an 80 inch wingspan. The complete airframe with no electronics weighs in at just under 1300 grams.
Sorry the plane is not 3D capable at this time but soon i will have larger motor and will give it a shot.
The fuselage is 2 foam sheets long and i just gluded them together end to end.
I got some of the scraps and cut them and used them as support down the airframe for strength.
It took 4 Sheets of foam board to make 1 wing. When glueing the foam board together before folding you need to make sure that when you glue it the foam boards are going with the bend (there is little ridges on the foam and you want thoose to be parelle to the leading edge of the wing).
The wings are being held together with 4 barbecue scewers, but i am going to use something better just havent decided what yet.
This is just the location of my servos.
What i used as control horn for the rudder putting light ply on both sides.
Mounted the servos in the cokpit to help the cg problem.
I attached the ailerons with packageing tape.
We are ready for the first flight. After about 15 sheets of dollar foamboard.
I started to make the colors on it. Yes i know the wing is crooked but i just put in i didnt attach it like it is supposed to be.
I have spars in each wing to keep the leading edges shape.(5 in each wing)
I am trying to design a better way for the wings to attach beacuase the way i had them the wings were held to tight and when i tried to get the out i broke the wing holder.
These are the servos i used for the elevator and rudder but any standard serov will do fine.
This is the plan i used it is a quarter scale plan that i got at a swap meet but i think you could sclae up any plane almost and make it work. I am starting to make another on that is an edge that i will hopefully will be able to make a swappeble so both of my planes will use the same esc and motor. It should not be to hard 4 screws for the motor and put velcro on the esc and I can change planes.
Parts List
- 4 standard size servos
- .60 Size or greater electric motor ( It will fly with a .42 turnigy using a 4 cell but you will be flying at 3/4 to full throtle the eniter flight.i am using a eflit 60 now justing waiting for esc to arrive.)
- large scale linkages (what ever you prefer)
- ESC that fits you motor
- High discharge 6 cell LIPO
- 1/4 scale plans for your kind of plane
Thank You for reading this article and if you have any questions just comment.
[note: flight video at the top of the article]
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...giant scale foam board models...!
Great work :-)
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