KK Version 2.0 board mount.

by x3mperformance | February 24, 2013 | (5) Posted in How To

I have been playing arround with the KK version 2.0 board for some time now, and after a upgrade to version 1,5 firmware, i became aware of the new improved "Self Level" function in this software edition, that actually works, and does it really good.

But i discovered that a stable support of the KK 2.0 board was essential. Uptil then, i had just used the black foam boax the board was delivered in, used some cable ties to strap it to my tricopter. But this was not the best idea, sertenly not when using the Self Level function. The Board could tip in some directions, and was not up to the task of holding the board in the exact position that it was calibrated in.


I have found a simple and yet cheap way to solve that small problem. Providing the board with stability, consistency, and allowing it to be vibration free as well, from any odd vibrations in the platform, left from the balancing job.

Here are the result.

I used these parts for the task.

Black Foam box

5.6mm x 21mm M3 Nylon Threaded Spacers 

5.6mm x 15mm M3 Nylon Tapped Spacers

Hot Glue

A portion of good mood.


I first mounted the threaded spacers under the board, securing them with the tapered spacers on the top side.

Then i add some Hot Glue on the ends of the 4 hreaded Spacers and firmly place the board inside the black foam box, and settle it to "Dry" -cool the Hot Glue.

Then i dismantled the board from the base and secured the Threaded spacers with some extra Hot Glue, just to be sure.

It's a simple and cheap solution to mount this. Price is well under $2 (if you consider that there's for 2,5 mount in a set of these spacers...)

And the board now sits secure and firmly in the new base. And the orientation in all 3 axis is maintained after calibrating the board.

And it also raise the board edge to the top of the foam, so the buttoms are easy accessed.


Hope you find this usefull.




Adib Vahedi on February 24, 2013
Thanks for the tips and the update!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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x3mperformance on March 3, 2013
I will try to.
There are comming some small "aha" moments from time to time, during my Work.
And thanks.

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babipsylon on January 28, 2015
Wouldn't it make more sense to attach foam to the frame the way you did, but then attach the flight control board with velcro or glue? Like e.g. attached the lid of the foam box with glue, and glue/velcro the control board to it?
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babipsylon on January 28, 2015
So the screw underneath the Threaded Spacers does clamp your tricopter frame and the foam box together, but doen't really hold the foam box in it's exact position, and that's why you add the glue? But aren't the vibrations from your frame passed through the spacers to the flight controller? The foam is basically useless in your design, no?
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KK Version 2.0 board mount.