Killer prop

by zodrik | March 28, 2013 | (8) Posted in Tips

We love extreme packing tape



I was in the field and just slide on a ice spot while i made a handlaunch of F 22 and this is the result......


oneiwily on April 2, 2013
Thanks for sharing m8, 1 pic is better then 1000 words , let this be a reminder for pps to watch what they are doing.
anyway .. it heals ! and you seem to have a right spirit.
Hope to see nice pics of you flying some airplanes real soon.

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zodrik on April 2, 2013
sometimes we think this things can't happen to us,until the day when u see blood everywhere,,,,btw i'm getting better and i start to build again and waith for the snow disappear
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PandaFish on March 29, 2013
Dude, I have blood on my my transmitter from the exact same plane! Hahahahaha! Vicious li'l beastie that plane is! I've actually taken to sanding the leading edge of my props, so they are smooth and less... Lacerationy. I've also started holding the F-22 by the back, where it is safe-ish.

I hope you heal fast and well - and don't worry, that design flies so well, the next time you take it out, you'll be all like "F-22, I can't stay mad at yuuuuuuuu"

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zodrik on March 30, 2013
the next time i'll be really carefully......already 4 day with no Scratch Builds activity......that'S sucks
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PandaFish on March 30, 2013
Sometimes things just happen, mate - All part of growing up. It'll grow back soon, and chicks dig scars!
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zodrik on March 31, 2013
I agree
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PandaFish on April 2, 2013
Could have been so much worse! What if it was a quadcopter... And you dropped it in your lap!?! (0.O )

Note to self: Stick to airplanes. Just in case...
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Mizzster D Double-a on March 31, 2013
I have experienced with the killer prop in the past too, my pinky finger was cut almost an inch length, and i can see my born thru the cut meat ://///
At the time there was no bleeding coz of the weather is very cold, soon enough it heal up. and I Enjoy the fly again :)
hope you get better :)
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mrblackbird on March 30, 2013
Super Glue!
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zodrik on March 31, 2013
thanks fot the tip but i prefer hot glue :)

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nickatredbox on April 12, 2013
I have a similar scar on my hand mate
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zodrik on April 13, 2013
15 days are gone and still hurt.....shit happen ....... :0
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MidwestRob on March 29, 2013
Ouch! Thanks for the sobering reminder. I hope you heal up soon to enjoy the flying season.
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zodrik on March 30, 2013
thanks is getting better
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windfou on April 15, 2013
sa fait parti du hobby depuis 7 ans me suis couper au moins 5 fois !! mais oui les multirotors peu te tuer depuis jai lacher les petit avion de foam j'ai encore des coupures ! mais j'essai méloigner des hélices asteur!
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sailorJohn on March 29, 2013
Good looking mod to your FT3d ,bad mod to your hand
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zodrik on March 30, 2013
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Eugene king on April 2, 2013
I have a FlySky radio and screwed up by turning off then on the transmitter without turning off the reciever......Which made motor go full throttle for 3 sec. in and of itself that wasn't bad because I was no where near the prop untill it pulled free of the two piece stick mount and beat my hand to death untill the motor turned off. My hand will never be the same.
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zodrik on April 2, 2013
afer this I start to handle things more carefull......Shit happens so fast
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out of the box on May 8, 2014
ouch!!, careful mate, tip launching might be a better idea. but let me guess....the prop size is bigger than 8x4 prop....
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Killer prop