J-20 Maiden Flights

by MESA RC | March 24, 2013 | (17) Posted in Projects


To the FliteTest Community:

This Episode features Part 3 of the J-20 series with 8th grade student Colby as the plane designer.  The plans have now been finalized and our available for download at the link below.  This episode also shows the completion of the plane and its maiden flights.  The J-20 flew great and it is one of our top design builds.  The build video will soon follow, so stay tune to learn how to put this plane into action. 

For more information about the MESArcFF Program please visit us at: www.mesarcfoamfighters.com

J-20 FREE PLANS: http://media.wix.com/ugd//fe25e6_2b91d2b404494234965a5e52912fdba5.pdf 


As always, thank you for supporting the MESArcFF program,

Jake Marshall


MESArcFF Productions

Camera: Harrison

Pilot: Colby

Editing: Zac and Joey

Director: Marshall


Colby talks about his maiden flights with his creation.


Showing off the new plans.


Take off!


Mr. Marshall excited for Colby!


Download the free plans, build, enjoy, and please share!


wolfman2282 on March 26, 2013
That plane is a sexy BEAST

-CAS :^)
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MESA RC on March 31, 2013
Thank you Wolfman, make sure you go and download it, it is a fun build.

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onebladeprop on March 28, 2013
that is a great looking plane
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MESA RC on March 31, 2013
Thank you, download and build and don't forget to share.
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RedBaron1 on March 26, 2013
It's great to see that today's advanced technology (cheaper & better motors, lighter batteries, etc.) is allowing such a great program to flourish. The "kids" obviously enjoy building and flying something they designed - much better than just twiddling their game controller sticks.
I think we're looking at the next generation of aerospace designers and pilots! Keep up the great work and effort guys!
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MESA RC on March 31, 2013
Thank you for the comment, I feel blessed everyday where this program has gone, as long as the kids keep pushing me, we will continue to grow. We are sending our first kid to an aerospace school. He was on season 1, very proud!

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jamboree1 on March 27, 2013
Great looking plane, i been waiting for a profile like this
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MESA RC on March 31, 2013
Awesome, let us know how it comes out!
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WhiskeyJack on March 25, 2013
Well done young man! I only wish that my school had a program like yours, but that would have been 47 years ago (did I just say that). You should thank your teacher for taking the time to get you into this hobby the way he has. Your a lucky guy Colby and so are your classmates.
congrats to you both and keep up the good work. WJ.
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MESA RC on March 31, 2013
Thank you for the comment Whiskey Jack, I relay all comments back to the students, I got a lot of thank yous that day!

Take care,
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J-20 Maiden Flights