Inverted Powerpod

by hotwax | July 5, 2017 | (0) Posted in Tips

Try the inverted Powerpod

In some cases, when you use the Powerpod, you get the Battery sticking out like a chinbeard.


Not so pretty.


What if I modify the Pod having the open side at the underside?

If you just use Barbeque Skewers for fastening, you may skip these steps. You can make your A-Folds as usual.

Just cut and fold.

Now there are Locks on both sides.

Above is a regular Powerpod.

Middle shows the additional cuts. (Paper partly removed)

Bottom is the inverted Pod. The holes for the locking Barbeque Skewer are to be repositioned.

 And now the final test:

Where is the battery?

There it is!


Have fun



snaagar on July 12, 2017
nice post and thanx for shairing
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jrvalentin62 on July 6, 2017
Very cool. Always look out for your planes and articles. Cheers!!!
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rblubaugh on July 9, 2017
Aa, where's the hot little ESC?
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hotwax on July 9, 2017
It's behind the battery.
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JamesWhomsley on July 12, 2017
Nice work!
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Inverted Powerpod