How To Make Inexpensive Hot Wire Templates

by Willsonman | May 1, 2013 | (25) Posted in How To

Watch as I show you how you can make some easy and affordable templates for your hot wire cutting needs. 


This is what you end up with. A simple way to make templates for hot wire cutting. It works for me and I hope it helps someone.


NACA 4-digit airfoil generator

NACA 5-digit airfoil generator


rickehrle on May 2, 2013
Nice alternative
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RedBaron1 on May 2, 2013
Great tip! I prefer to use "full-rib" type templates, but the foil tape looks to be an excellent, CHEAPER EASIER and FASTER way to make templates than cutting and sanding formica (like I've been doing). Will give it a try!
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Driveandairsmash on May 2, 2013
THANKS!!! i needed to know a cheaper way to make templates and i want to know how to make one of these hot wire cutters but i know how to make the cutter and now templates so what foam do you get and where can you get the foam?
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spencer on May 3, 2013
Wow, just made this a possibility for me! Thanks for sharing.
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earthsciteach on May 2, 2013
Great tip! Love it - two things I always have laying around, anyway. Templates could also be easily cut on the laser cutter at the school where I teach. Hmmmmmm......
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Willsonman on May 2, 2013
I get my foam at Lowe's or the Home Depot. It depends on the region you are in as its designed for insulating houses. BUT you can tack pieces together using small drops of gorilla glue. You have to be strategic as the hot wire will not cut through it but it will hold it together if done right. Forgot to mention I use .020 Diameter Piano wire from a local piano shop. Got two yards of it for $0.50 and it has never let me down. Lots cheaper than nichrome.
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earthsciteach on May 2, 2013
0.51mm steel guitar string works great for me. I pay $.99 for it.
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Willsonman on May 2, 2013
I tried guitar string but I must have gotten it too thin... it did not last long. The piano wire has lasted through many MANY cuts.
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liveyourdreamsRC on May 3, 2013
I had no idea how complicated and expensive this can get! Great video and great idea to make a cost effective way to do this.
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Exhodus on May 3, 2013
Very nice idea! Much easier than making templates from ply!
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How To Make Inexpensive Hot Wire Templates