I have been using a glass top table for about a year now, and I absolutely love it. My hot glue doesn't stick to the table, and when it does, I can use a razor blade, and scrape anything and everything off, and create a completely clean surface again.
The cutting mats fit nicely under the glass, and they allow for accurate measurement, without damaging your cutting mats. When I first started building, I got hot glue, and CA all over those mats, and, with a rasor blade, tried to remove it. It wasn't all that easy, and I removed a lot of the measurement lines when doing it.
I hope you enjoy the video showing you how to quickly, and cheaply build a great work bench
Metal was placed under the mats, so that magnets would hold down anything you are planning on working on. This idea came from Fred, (flying monkey) in the forums.
Put the screws into the holes, so that they are long enough.
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Great idea and keep up the videos.
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