High Jumps and Free Falls (In A Winter Wonderland)

by TheFlyingFish | December 31, 2013 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

This video was taken on Christmas Eve just outside my house. I live in West Michigan, and we had a lot of ice followed by a lot of snow over the period of 3 days. The scenery looked so beautiful, I had to get the Tricopter out to capture it all.

The setup that I am using is based off David Windestal's design. I used a GoPro Hero and iMovie for the video.

The music is an original creation using the iMS-20 app for iPad.



Arend on January 15, 2014
I so wanted to do that, I live in Lansing and the snow was enormous and the weather was great once the sun was out. However, I wanted to use my FT delta wing but because of the snow couldn't get from where I live to where I fly... Cheers Arend
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High Jumps and Free Falls (In A Winter Wonderland)