Help needed!! On bomb drop mechanisms!

by 3FliteUK | April 5, 2013 | (0) Posted in Challenges

Hi guy's for those of you who know who we are we are a review channel similar to Flitetest but with 14 & 15 year olds, I'm just requesting some advice from you guys who may know about bomb drop stuff, as in one of our latest video's we are going to have some crazy things going on.

So i've pulled out an old plane and found some decent servo's onboard

The poor old bird wont fly again so I thought these servo's would work a treat!

I've got an orange rx and was wondering the best way to rig this to power when an esc isnt needed?



Any idea's message me!

cheers fella's


rcspaceflight on April 5, 2013
What everyone else said. You can A) buy a 4.8 volt Ni-Mh battery. Make sure you have a battery charger that can charge that. B) buy a BEC. or C) use an ESC with a built in BEC (most ESCs have the BEC built in). This last option is probably the cheapest because you probably already have everything for it. My last project I only needed a BEC but I used an ESC because I had it.

If twan1997 is right that you could also use a 6volt battery pack, then you could just use 4 AA batteries (in series). Make sure you hook up the battery pack so the positive and negative are plugged in correctly. It doesn't actually matter where you plug it in. Just a pair of pos and neg at the same port (throttle, elevator, aux, battery, etc.)
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3FliteUK on April 5, 2013
Thank you all for the response, so are you saying if i plug a small battery within my circuit through the esc without connecting it to the motor it will still work?
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twan1997 on April 6, 2013
yes it will work :) because you're only using the BEC in your ESC
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sbedirt on April 6, 2013
You could also use a 6.6v life pack and its about the same weight as a 2 cell.
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rcspaceflight on April 7, 2013
Yup. It works. The ESC doesn't beep at all, but that's because you're not using the ESC part. Just hook everything up normally (unless you want to use the throttle channel for something else) and don't plug anything into the motor wires. Since you said this is for a bomb drop, it might be nice to use the throttle for the bomb drop mechanism. That way you can slowly open and close it and the throttle is easier to use than a knob. So whatever channel you aren't using, plug the ESC into that one.
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House Of Noob on April 5, 2013
We ran a 9 gram hextronic servo with a small piano wire through two fixed eyes. Bomb then had a third eye that hung between them on the wire. We plugged it straight into an unused channel and routed that to a switch on the transmitter. When the servo went, the wire pulled enough to let the middle item let loose. All our bombs were very light (Easter egg with flour or Airhog airplane) so it was never an issue of needing more power.
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oneiwily on April 7, 2013
totally agree with the BEC + Y connector.
if you don't want to wait for shipment you can try and make the Y connector yourself or solder the BEC directly.
you can also use old ESC that have BEC.

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zodrik on April 5, 2013
Well I just use a 9 v battery is lighter than 6 volt nhim pack, or use a bec....
But let me understand why do u need a separate power input if u can use he bec on the esc?
I just made my cargo, u can check on my page, and a made 2 release system , one is for the back door and another for a glider release on the top.....
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3FliteUK on April 6, 2013
The reason for a separate reciever was because we are wanting to angle the gopro on a mount on the quadcopter using different transmitters!;)
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zodrik on April 6, 2013
so u better get a BEC from Hobbi KIng for a few $.and make Y cable run from your main battery ,so u'll save a lot of weight! i Hope to see soon your project in the air!
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pitts special on April 5, 2013
Use a 4.8 volt Ni-Mh receiver pack.
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jwest2514 on April 7, 2013
If you are in the UK then you could order the EHC bombs away unit, these are priced very reasonably and you can get these plug and play or as a kit version if you already have the servo....

Joe :)
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thejosh108 on April 5, 2013
I think what you need is a "BEC" or "Battery Elimination Circuit". it reduces the voltage or 2 or 3s batteries to 5v to run the radio and servos. Usualy the ESC has the BEC built into it so it should run from the throttle port. i have seen them around $5.
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3FliteUK on April 5, 2013
These look like the most promising prospects I believe this will be the best idea, not getting into the techniqual stuff too much
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twan1997 on April 5, 2013
Plug a small 4.8V or 6.0V Ni-Mh to the batt/bind on the receiver, although, this will probably end up heavier than a small esc and a small 2s lipo pack, so I'd go with the lipo+esc option
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Help needed!! On bomb drop mechanisms!