FPV Summer

by ycopter | May 2, 2014 | (8) Posted in Just Fun

Filmed with my Quadcopter and Tricopter
GoPro Hero 3 Black
Music: https://soundcloud.com/dubstep/illeni...


bermuge on May 10, 2014
Very nice. And the music fits well.
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ycopter on May 11, 2014
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kagenotora on May 5, 2014
really nice but you i'd take that vid out of youtube if i were you france's DGAC is keeping an eye out on video social networks to find and bash any one who record their flight (it's illegal to record there if you don't have a "theoric pilot licence" and haven't registred a flight plan)
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ycopter on May 6, 2014
Thanks for your feedback and advice. I was not aware of this, do you know when the rules changed to make flight plans a legal requirement.
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kagenotora on May 8, 2014
quite some time ago but it's only a requirement if you record if it's only live feed (like flying fpv without recording) the flight plans are not required (through the theorical licence still is at least for the "buddy", legally you need to be buddy boxed with someone that can take over a pilot LoS when going fpv and it that person that is required to have the theorical licence) the regulations and laws can be found on DGAC's website (for non french readers DGAC stands for Direction Generale de l'Aviation Civile, Directorate General for Civil Aviation, you can think of it as France's FAA.)

Actually i was kind of surprised when i eared the flite test European meet was held in France because of some of the heavy regulation that could cause problems for recording an episode here.
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ycopter on May 8, 2014
Useful information, I was not aware that the rules for model flying were so different in France. It will be interesting to see how Flitetest covers the meet.
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MaxPower on May 5, 2014
Very nice!
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ycopter on May 5, 2014
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FLYitRC on May 5, 2014
Can you tell me what T-copter design you use? i want to build a tricopter again.
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ycopter on May 6, 2014
Hi, it is my own design, 750kv motors, 4S and 9 x 3.8 APC props. Front motor span is 620mm with 12mm square motor arms.
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iwan_canobi on May 2, 2014
Very nice footage, liked the fields next to the wind turbines! Nicely done.
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ycopter on May 5, 2014
Pleased you like it. Thanks for taking the time to post a comment.
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