Great Websites to Find Free RC Airplane Plans

by FliteTest | August 20, 2018 | (14) Posted in Tips

Looking for places around the internet to find free RC airplane plans? Here are some of the best. 

Here at Flite Test, we've designed a lot of RC airplanes. From the early FT Twin Twirl to the latest FT Goblin, we love creating free plans that allow our community to build amazing aircraft with just some foam, hot glue and some good old imagination. As well as FT airplanes, though, there are hundreds of plans out there for all sorts of models ranging from simple trainers to high-performance EDF jets. This article aims to help you find some of them. 

A Tornado pusher jet design from

Park Jets

Park Jets is a website specializing in, as the name suggests, park-flyer jets! Unfortunately, not all of the designs on there are completely free. There is an option to sign up to a yearly membership for a small fee as well as having some plans for sale. A small number of aircraft are free to download though. Check out the website here. 

A Polaris designed by Steve Shumate


AeroFred is almost the Thingiverse of the RC planes. It has an enormous collection of over 23,000 model plans available for download. These range from all sorts of foam board models to great big balsa wood airplanes. There are also a lot of 3D printed aircraft on there. If you like the sound of this, and fancy a browse, here's the site.

Sky High Hobby

This website is another place you can visit to view a ton of different airplane plans. These ones are almost all foam, be it foam board or depron. Sky High Hobby mostly links to other places on the net, such as RC Groups, where you can download nearly all of these plans for free - so it's definitely worth a look. 

RCFB Aircraft

One of our own community members Unrauv, who is very active on the forums, has set up his own website for all of the many fun-scale foam board models he has made over the past few years. There's all sorts of historical aircraft on here, including muti-engined bombers from several different nations. All of the plans are available on the site, so what are you waiting for? Check it out! 


For scratch builders who prefer balsa, Outerzone collects and shares thousands of vintage model plans on their website. All of these are free. Even if you don't fancy building with this delicate and time consuming medium, these balsa plans can be used as inspiration or modified to create foam board versions of classic airplanes. Take a look here.  

We hope this helped you find something interesting to build as your next project. Remember to chat it up on the forums, post your own articles and browse our Facebook Group

Also, If you haven't in a while, make sure to visit our store to check out all of our DIY airplane designs!

Article by James Whomsley

Editor of


YouTube Channel:


Desert Wings on August 20, 2018
Thanks James. You provided some great resources. If you like small fast parkjets there are also some great free plans at:

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skizoalpeo on August 21, 2018
These are really great resources but honestly I like your plans better mostly because of how you do the folder over wing instead of just flat pieces of foam board.

Currently I am working on trying to adapt the x-29 EDF design you have to an f-18 hornet but I am having to do it all by hand (I don't have a CAD program to help with the finer math) If you someone has a free moment and a few digital tools they feel like playing with help with hornet with a folded over wing to sounds like a bunch of fun to fly.
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thenated0g on August 21, 2018
This is a great website for finding old planes as well. Back catalog of old RC magazines
Log In to reply on September 22, 2018

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Great Websites to Find Free RC Airplane Plans