We recently tested the new Graupner 3D Copter Alpha 300Q quadcopter.This 300Q is one of the most powerful 3D quads around. It's extremely durable, surviving snowy and windy weather conditions and multiple crashes.
Chad Nowak (FinalGlideAUS) and Steele Davis (Mr. Steele) stopped by to test fly the 300Q. Chad and Steele are two of the hosts on Rotor Riot, a YouTube channel featuring high-performance multirotor technology (founded by Chad Kapper).
The 300Q runs on 6X3 props and 2209 motors. These motors are taller than 2204 motors, and give the quad more power while using the same amount of torque.
The 300Q runs on a Graupner GR-18 receiver, ESC and flight controller. This 300Q also comes equipped with LED lights to help with orientation.
Learn more about the Graupner 3D Quadcopter HERE!
The 300Q handles amazingly and is well-tuned, but it is definitely an advanced quad. If you're just starting on quadcopters, try something less powerful as your first quad such as the Versacopter or the Alpha 250.
The orange action camera that we have taped to the top of our 300Q is the RunCam 2.
The Graupner 3D Copter Alpha 300Q is available in the Flite Test Store!
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