Game of Drones Action-Sports Airframe Goes Live

by sparky415 | January 19, 2014 | (5) Posted in Projects

Hi Everyone-

I'm really proud to announce a Kickstarter to launch a new airframe into the market.  It's called the Action-Sports quad by Game of Drones, and it's really something unique.

It was born in the SF Bay Area, the results of several years of research in the unforgiving arena of top secret drone "fight clubs."  After trying everything else - including metal, carbon fiber, wood, laser cut cardboard, found objects and every manner of commercial drone airframe, we were never satified with the durability of these attempts - something radical was needed.

Our experiments have taught us a ton about different materials and designing for durability, as well as the need for an airframe that can be used with the widest selection of 3rd party components, motors, etc...  We made our own vacuum former and other shop tools but quickly outgrew them.  So we joined techshop and the quality and sophistication of our designs and manufacturing have increased exponentially.  

The first materials we tried were styrene and PET plastic, but they weren't robust enough.  We attempted polycarbonate, ABS and commercial Kydex, all of which held promise but each had significant limitations as well.  After contacting several plastics and chemical companies, we've made arrangements to manufacture our airframes using a proprietary polymer alloy that offers the best qualities of all the other materials.  There is simply nothing else like it on the market.


We launched our Kickstarter on Monday and we're nearly halfway to reaching our fundraising goal, but we still have a way to go before we reach the total, so every contribution really helps.  Take a look and share the link on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere.  Thx again.

Kickstarter Link:


LetsFlyRC on January 28, 2014
Add a waterproof gimbal, and you will have what I have been searching for for years.

I have the aquacopter already, which is close to this, but it is definitely not as strong, I dropped mine from about 500 feet and bent the arm. It is still flying today, but needed repair and looks ugly now.

anyway, I really want to film over lakes, and would love a waterproof gimbal to hold the waterproof gopro and fpv also.
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Game of Drones Action-Sports Airframe Goes Live