Fun Jet Clone by ProjectFlightDesign. Found this post directly underneath my post on the FT3D. Looked great and flew great (his video) lets do this! ProjectFlightDesign did a great job! His video is very descriptive and easy to follow. The build was just as easy. Now I have a Fun Jet! All that being said, this is the most difficult time I've had getting an airplane into the air (not his fault, mine). I chose to use the motor parkzone bl480 2400kv, 40 amp esc and a 3S 220mahbattery out of my old Stryker, she's no longer with us. This difference is substantial for cg. I had cg with my setup perfectly where it was recommended. Man this thing just didn't want to get into the air or when she finally did she was terribly pitchy, straight up one second then straight down the next. She wore me out! I was looking for a new jet to put all my goodies in when it hit me. The weight issue. So I got my Fun Jet Clone out and moved everything forward an inch and a half. You'll see in the video that upon release she slammed right into the ground. That was the jitters and not enough throttle, period. Threw her into the air with about three quarter throttle and away she went. Couple clicks of left and a couple of up and she flies great. She isn't a floaty feeling airplane but rather rock solid, and you can tell she's powerfull. Thank you to ProjectFlightDesign, awesome build. Also, thank you FliteTest. This is by far, imho, the best RC site on the net. I'm looking forward to more from both ProjectFlightDesign and FliteTest. Oh yeah, my next Fun Jet Clone will have working rudders. I like the extra control and stunts that that enables. $2 worth of foam and parts laying around...get to building guys! To much fun.
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Thinking about it, Too Fast for Foam is a great plane name.
I love our hobby now, when you can take two hours and $4 worth of foam and end up with this much awesome
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I think you nailed the balance - always err on the side of nose-heavy for maiden flights. A nose heavy plane may fly badly, but a tail heavy plane may fly only once!
Good job on the control surfaces - that plane is certainly fast enough to induce flutter, but that thing is tight, mate! Well done.
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