Above is the FT X-29 V1 which is upscaled to 125%
I've been flying RC since 1975.... and I'm a project guy. My first plane was a Sig Kadet (balsa kit). My first radio was a Heathkit. For those that don't know, this was a radio kit. You soldered all the components onto circuit boards and assembled the transmitter, same for receiver and servos. It actually worked for 10 years. In the early 80's NASA had Gruman build the X-29 forward swept wing concept plane. I've always liked that plane and in July 1989 AMA's Model Aviation magazine had plans for one. So I bought the plans for $12 and scratch built it. I still have it and it is now on it's 4th propulsion system as I have converted it to electric.
Above is the X-29 I scratch built in 1989.
When the FT X-29 came out I downloaded the plans and scratch built one with a 70mm FMS EDF. But I wanted a larger one with retracts, a detachable wing, flying canards and a rear elevator like the real one! So I upscaled the plans by 125% and built FT X-29 LG (Large) V1. It didn't fly that well for a few unnamed reasons. In the V2 iteration, I blew the wing up to 150% and made the canards have movable surfaces instead of full flying canards. I stuffed the 150% wing into the 125% fuselage.... I've been flying V2 for a couple weeks now and am getting it dialed in.
FT X-29 LG V2
In summary, this is a scratch built FT design with the fuselage upscaled to 125% and the wing upscaled to 150%. It has functional canards, a functional rear elevator, removable wing, 90mm EDF, 6s 6200 power and retracts. I'm still experimenting with CG and continue to move the battery back from the recommended point.
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