FT Swappable Spitfire Tips

by Crazed Scout Pilot | May 23, 2023 | (1) Posted in Reviews

Ft Swappable Spitfire Tips:

There’s a known saying that goes around in flying communities that says it is easier to fly cubs than war birds, and that might be true, but not when it comes to the ft swappable Spitfire.

 This Spitfire has to be on of the most stable aircraft in the air that I have flown. Not only is it stable but it brings me the best flying experience that I’ve had. For example, I built and flew the Simple Cub, and the Simple Storch and they were fun to fly but they weren’t very smooth the Simple Storch always wanted fly towards the ground, the Simple Cub always wanted to stall out and torque to the left. 

It looks very good in the air


When I first flew the ft Spitfire the plane flew far from straight dew to the torque of the motor. So, I put one abb washer on to the left side of the motor mount to counter act the torque.

I will also share the settings that I set the ailerons, elevator, and rudder. For the ailerons I set up triple rates the lowest was for takeoff, the second was a bit higher for sharper turns, and the third was highest for anything I might need it for. I also set a pretty high elevator rate because I like to have good elevator coverage. 

Below is the rates page on my Radio Master Tx 16

My thanks goes out to Dave and Josh who really put together a stellar aircraft.

Thank you,



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FT Swappable Spitfire Tips