FT Goblin - Release!

by FliteTest | August 16, 2018 | (13) Posted in Reviews


The brand new FT Goblin has arrived! It's fast, it's quick to build and it performs like, well, a goblin. 

ReadyMadeRC and Flite Test have got together to produce a collaborative FT kit, the FT Goblin. This airplane is based on the very popular STRIX Goblin and STRIX Nano Goblin. As always, there is a speed build kit, free plans and a build video available to all. Before jumping into all of that though, here's the release video.


Wingspan: 760mm

Flying Weight: 450g

Control: Elevons

FPV Compatability: Yes


Free Plans - https://www.flitetest.com/goblinplans

Kit - https://www.flitetest.com/goblinkit

Power Pack F (You will need to change the standard ESC XT-30 connector if you want to run a 3 or 4s battery) - https://store.flitetest.com/flite-test-power-pack-f-flt-3010/p674271

Motor Recommendation - https://store.flitetest.com/emax-rs2205s-2300kv-brushless-motor-cw-thread-emx-rs2205-s-2300/p542804

ESC https://store.flitetest.com/emax-blheli-series-20a-esc-xt60-emx-sc-0099/p784968?r=0

Servos - FLT-3032

Battery - (11.1-14.8V 1300-2200mAh 3s-4s) https://store.flitetest.com/lipo-batteries-airplanes/c5649

Design Process

Although the original Goblin came from STRIX, the FT Goblin started as the brainchild of Andres Lu, or amazing interning aerospace designer. 

Like all of our airplane designs to date, the FT Goblin is made from Flite Test Water Resistant Foam board. This is a special blend of foam perfect for making airplanes. It's resistant to wear and tear as well as the outdoor elements. 

The build is straightforward which makes construction easy for those who have only built a few planes before. For experienced FT fans, you'll have one of these things put together in no time. 

Here's the complete build video. Get your parts in order and we'll get started. Take it away Andres. 

Performance and Flight Characteristics

Like with the original STRIX Nano Goblin, this aircraft is a blast to fly. It has the feel and agility of a quad whilst retaining the predictable characteristics of a larger, more conventional looking model. As a wing, the plane cuts through the air. You can punch the throttle into a half roll, hang inverted for a few seconds before falling back to level flight and powering away. 

As a wing, and as a plank wing at that, the FT Goblin looks like it really shouldn't fly well. In reality, this is the complete opposite case. The plank wing (with a CG far forward of most planes) creates a docile stalling tendency; the aircraft will slow, run out of airspeed and lightly dip its nose. There's no crazy tip stalling nonsense, just smooth, predictable tendencies. 

For FPV, this is perfect. You don't want to worry about things like tip stalls whilst you're shooting gaps through trees or attempting your own experimental moves. Like with many of our other aircraft designs (like the Sparrow, Twin Sparrow and Dart), adding FPV to this model is simple. You'll be up and away in no time. All of our designs have great performance, but the new FT Goblin is definitely in its own league when it comes to proximity freestyle. 

Each kit includes an optional carbon fiber camera mount. This fits all of the standard sizes of FPV Cameras. If you're looking for a recommendation on which camera to go for, check out the Runcam Swift 2 FT Version. It's simple to use and can record your video onto a local memory card - no need to carry an extra camera.

Post pictures of your FT Goblin in the FT Forum! We can't wait to see your sweet builds! 

Helpful Links

FT Goblin Kit 

FT Goblin Free Plans



Flite Test Store

Article by James Whomsley

Editor of FliteTest.com




mustaphos on January 18, 2019
Is it still flyable without vertical stabilizers?
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npmullins on June 20, 2019
very unlikely IMO
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n_dietz88 on August 16, 2018
Does anyone know as they stated in the video "we will release both versions" Version 1 being the dual vert stabilizers and Version 2 the single vert stabilizer, if the plans are available for the other one? i downloaded the version with 2 stabilizers. excited to get my hands on the second one! thanks!
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elijahf111 on November 6, 2018

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Raccoonworks on August 16, 2018
Super cool! However, I went to click on the free plans link and it took me to the forums page. I tried looking for it on the page but couldn't find it. Can anyone tell me where they are on the page?
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FliteTest on August 16, 2018
Try clicking on the link and looking for the square download icon at the top right side of the page. It will be next to the title 'FT Goblin Plans 2018-08-15' in a white bar. When you click on this, you will see several different files you can download. Hope this helps!
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Raccoonworks on August 17, 2018
Yes, this helps. Thank you so much! Can't wait to build it!
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Eeck62 on August 27, 2018
What is the thought behind using the Runcam Swift 2 FT vs the Runcam Split, Split2 or Split Mini? Thanks
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Lyle Woleslagle on September 14, 2018

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ManInaShed on November 10, 2018
My first scratch build.Thanks for all the work put in.Being my first attempt a little rough at the edges.But I’m hooked now.I can only improve on technique.Great work fellas.
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Svenr85 on August 16, 2018
Aargh, first the ft Edge, now this thing; flitetest just keeps hitting us with these great designs. Great to see the inovation from Andres combined with Josh’s knowhow can turn into what looks like another fun build. Great work guys
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npmullins on June 20, 2019
what are the recommended throws and reflex for this model? Many thanks
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FT Goblin - Release!