This Photo shows how far the Aileron begins from the middle of the rudder (2 inches). It also shows how far apart the ends of the Ailerons should be from each other (4 inches). In order to apply Ailerons to your FT Flyer, you CAN NOT fold the wings up. You MUST keep them FLAT in order for them to work.
The Aileron should end 1.5 inches from the tips of the wings.
I just put the servo for the Ailerons in front of the two for the rudder and elevator. Just make sure to put a little bend where your push rods come out from the servo arms, otherwise, your push rods will keep bumping into the arms of the other two servos.
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Also, if you rotated the Aileron servo 180 degrees the spline would be further from the rear servos giving better clearance ;)
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