FT After Hours Podcast 014

by FliteTest | February 17, 2014 | (21) Posted in Podcasts

In this episode we sit down with guest Eric Monroe and talk about Hobby King, multirotors, the future of drones, some behind the scene stories from FliteTest and the hot new products from the Nuremburg Toy Fair!!

Audio Link

Aquacopter video

Eric Monroe's Article post

Lakewood Ohio drone crisis

Interesting hobby related TED Talks

Nurnburg Toy Fair



Epitaph on February 19, 2014
The pilatus porter was the plane Mel Gibson flies in Air America
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Splatwillicrash on February 20, 2014
And that was not CGI, a stunt pilot actually did land that Porter on the mountainside and take back off for the movie, and did it several times for that shot. The only thing that lands shorter and carries close to the same amount is a helicopter......
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wittpilot on February 17, 2014
Ahhhhhhhhh. The best thing about a Monday these days.
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jimmykobler21 on February 18, 2014
Awesome podcast! thanks for taking my question!
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jarpy on February 19, 2014
You should do a "shop cam" where there's a camera looking at the studio to see whatever is happening around the workshop.
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earthsciteach on February 17, 2014
Eric - if you are planning on revisiting tricopters, you need to stop giving stuff away! LOL!
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ChinoDiablo on February 24, 2014
Out of all 14 episodes of the FliteTest podcasts, I've enjoyed listening to this one the most.
The discussion was candid, honest and extemporaneous. rich with information and insight. Eric Monroe was a great addition to the podcast. He came across as real professional that has worked hard to get to the level where he is and he's not afraid to give his opinion of things. And Alex has come a long way in being a natural on the microphone. Chris R is very good at keeping the show rolling and on point. Listening to the near 100 minutes of this episode went by as if it were 30 minutes. And lastly, I loved the fact that they covered IN DEPTH the questions and topics they were asked about (especially about HK and Eric's experiences with the Multirotors, helis and the FAA...it was fascinating!).

This episode, as with all of the "After Hours" episodes, seems to cover more ground than the regular FliteTest podcasts because it's unencumbered by the need to listen to voice mails. I, for one, like that. I know you guys want to reach out to the community and all, but I, for one, think the voice mail aspect of the regular podcasts is a net negative to the show. Listening to 20 minutes of voice mails, with a recap of each question, where the caller was from, did you pronounce the name right, what was the question again, love the guys accent, thanking the community for the millionth time, on and on and on.... I feel you could easily just read out loud and answer 15 questions in the same amount of time it takes to listen and answer 5 voice mails.
Just my 2 cents.

You all do a great job with FliteTest...you really do.
You are well loved, and you all give back to the community in spades.
I'm inspired, elevated and entertained.
Keep the great work!
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Splatwillicrash on February 19, 2014
Oh My God!!!! I left my local hobby shop tonight with a DX6i and on the drive home, less than a mile from the shop, I hear on the podcast they are releasing a new one!!!!!! I got my DX6I on sale for$139 the same price they are listing for the NEW ones LIST price. Of course my brick and mortar hobby store will only take it back for store credit,,,,, Which means I can return it and wait till the new ones arrive, (anybody know when that is?) or fly with this and buy the new one later and sell this at a substantial discount..... Man, I need to go to Vegas, and have my friends bet against me......
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Splatwillicrash on February 19, 2014
I listen on Dogcatcher, on Android, I have an iPhone but my employer wont let me use it as a smart phone.... (don't get me started...)
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Lukes221 on February 21, 2014
Hey i believe it was this podcast it was mentioned that the parkzone ultra micro warbirds were picked up but the p-40 warhawk was not because it didnt have AS3X. I got home and looked at mine after listening and it does have AS3X, it was written on the back of the box as a feature. i just wanted to say that. Great podcast, i love the addition of after hours, its a great format.
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Splatwillicrash on February 20, 2014
My local Hobby Shop did give me store credit, which I threw towards a Plug and Play Radian Pro. (and some spares....) I will wait till the new DX6 comes out and grab that. BTW the NEW DX6 List price (according to my LHS and he was on the dealer website at the time) will be $239 not $139 as you guys had suggested.
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Splatwillicrash on February 19, 2014
I cant find any reference to the New DX6i on the site link. Where can I find out more?
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ghostrider03z on February 18, 2014
Such good discussions from you guys!
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kagenotora on February 19, 2014
actually on horizon they got a few retailers outside US and a few customer service centers too but the retailers do seem to pump up the prices quite a lot (at least in France) i must admit that hobby king is about the only viable way to buy lipo in France since it can be delivered by road and hobby shops are rare and ridiculously expensive, by a factor of 3 (for ex: the cheapest 3s 20C 2200mAh is 30.12 usd against 9.99 usd)
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augernaught on February 17, 2014
Is there any possible way to make the time scale slider more accurate/ less sensitive?
Love these PodCasts BTW!!!

It's just very hard to go back and listen to something I didn't catch because
I can't pinpoint the last few words that gave me the idea I wanted to chase.....
and listen in on my PC, so have no notion if it is easier or different on other platforms.

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MT Alex on February 17, 2014
The best solution would be for you to just download and install iTunes to listen to the podcasts through. It is free to use, but you will have to create an AppleID, which is pretty painless. It will download all of the episodes for you, keep them in a library you can easily navigate and make playback much easier.

There are other free podcast managers out there if you google them, listening to the podcast through the little slider on the top of this page is probably the worst option.
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wittpilot on February 17, 2014
Have you tried just right clicking on "Audio Link" and choose "Save Link As" and it will just download the .mp3 and you can just play it on whatever you would normally play .mp3s on.
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MT Alex on February 17, 2014
That is even easier, good idea.
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crash1414 on February 18, 2014
Jets just to maybe clear a couple of things up. We are going to continue on iTunes and stitcher just maybe add usteam for the live element and we could take live questions and comments through twitter and chat. The blogtalkradio would be something we do every once in awhile so we could take live phone calls to discuss certain topics and get the listeners involved and that would be added in for bonus content. Hope this helps clear some things up
Chris- FT Afterhours
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BuckE67 on February 18, 2014
Great podcast!
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raysss on April 3, 2014
The mSR was the first Micro Fixed Pitch from HH after the mCX obviously. The 120SR came out after that.
An mSRx isnt a direct follower to the mSR, it is another thing. It is designed to not stabalize itself.
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FT After Hours Podcast 014