FT 3D sketchup design

by Roelke2 | September 5, 2013 | (4) Posted in Projects

Hi in this post i'm going to show you the FT 3D I made in sketchup. 

The FT 3D is a amazing looking airplane and really well designed by the Flitetest guys.

I design these planes the exact same they are build in the speed build episode by flitetest except for the powerpod. maybe I will put it in my designs but for now I just like making only the plane itself.

side view of the plane

bottom view

again you can find my design in the sketchup warehouse for better view. Thank you Flitetest for such a amazing airplane.


LordVader on September 27, 2013
Nice job, I have used sketchup and it isn't easy to be able to do a rendering like that.
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NoUsername on September 6, 2013
I have SketcUp and to make this plane using the program is one real accomplishment. Great Job!
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FT 3D sketchup design