FPV of RC - Ft spitfire with bomb drop - review

by michaelchernoff123 | November 27, 2013 | (4) Posted in Reviews

In this episode, We review the FliteTest Spitfire designed by David Windestal! We decided to add an exciting feature, a bomb drop! In the video, it is quite difficult to see the bomb because it is so small but there will be a circle around where it is cause you can see it if you look close enough! Enjoy! Thanks, The team of FPV of RC


beemerdon on December 26, 2013
The video keeps stopping at about the 28 second mark and the frame freezes. Nothing I do makes the video advance beyond that point. :-(
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LordVader on December 5, 2013
Very Cool!

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FPV of RC - Ft spitfire with bomb drop - review