F-117 Stealth Fighter 70mm EDF jet. Scratch build

by crispy | January 8, 2014 | (14) Posted in How To



LordVader on January 24, 2014
Very cool. I'm surprised by the flight video that the extra weight of Elmers foamboard that it doesn't really doesn't effect it any. Are you going to post plans, I'd love to have an edf 117. I have a few prop slot ones from RCPowers. I like your other designs as well. Nice work, thanks for sharing.

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LordVader on January 24, 2014
I just received your plans, can't wait to get started.
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Kevinjt4 on January 24, 2014
Where do you get plans for your planes?
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crispy on January 24, 2014
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SR-71 on January 24, 2014
Great job!
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kanky on January 26, 2014
This by far the best scratch build F-177 i have seen? How can i get my hands on the plans?

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anonymous rc pilot on February 2, 2014
that thing's got lines, im surprised its stable from what i know the full scale isn't
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sailorJohn on January 26, 2014
-----------------Buy now?--------------
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msh312b on January 24, 2014
Those planes are AWSOME!! How can I get a copy of those plans?
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CavalierX on May 25, 2014
Any reviews by anyone who has built one yet? I love the look of it- the build seems simple enough and smart. I was just wondering how it flew- if it was more of an advanced flyer or it had a forgiving flight envelope and would slow fly?
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F-117 Stealth Fighter 70mm EDF jet. Scratch build