Endurance Flight: 62 Minutes/72km/44mi

by MyGeekShow | January 25, 2014 | (12) Posted in Just Fun

Mission accomplished! The objective was to fly over 60 minutes (1 hour) without stopping to replace or recharge the batteries. This test was to prove that flying at this weight and amp draw configuration was possible. Due it success, the 140c will be able to be constructed with similar characteristics, but be able to carry twice the watt/hours.

To accomplish this 62 minute flight I needed to add an additional 5,00mAh of batteries, bringing the Raptor 140b to 15,000mAh, or 166.5watt/hours

This flight broke five MyGeekShow records:
-Longest flight: 62.4 minutes
-Furthest distance covered: 71.4km/44.4mi
-Most power consumed: 160watt/hours
-Longest total flight time by craft: 7.0 hours
-Furthest total distance by craft: 498km/309mi

Flight Stats:
Ground Covered: 71.4km/44.4mi
Duration: 62.4 min
Watt Hours: 159.9 (14.4Ah at 11.1v)
Avg Amp Draw: 13.9A
Avg Ground Speed: 68.7kph/42.7mph
Efficiency: 447m/Wh or 5.0km/Ah or 202mah/Km
Max altitude AGL: 116m
Max ground speed: 124kph/77mph
Max distance from ground station: 607m/0.4mi

See you next week!


Safety note: I maintained line of sight during this flight, and had my controller close by to take manual control as needed. The altitude read over 120m, but elevation increased during flight. True AGL for the flight is 100-120m. I avoided all airports and populated areas.

Raptor 140b+ Stats:
Weight: 2280g
Max Flight Time: 70min
Max Range: 90km
Stall Speed: 35kph
Cruise Speed: 90kph
Max Speed: 135kph
Radio Range: 1.5km
Energy Carried: 167wh (15,000mAh at 11.1v)
Drive Power: 850w
Total Flight Time on Craft: 7.0 hours
Total Flight Distance on Craft: 498km

The equipment used---
Raptor 140 airplane: http://store.mygeekshow.com/product-p/raptor-140-kit.htm

Radio Tx: ParkeFlyer Turnigy 9x Tx: http://parkeflyer.com/
Telemtry: 915mhz 100mW 3DR http://store.3drobotics.com/products/3dr-radio-telemetry-kit-915-mhz
Laptop: Compaq Presario CG57
GPS Dongle: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000PKX2KA/ref=redir_mdp_mobile?redirect=true&ref_=oh_details_o02_s00_i00

Flight Controller: APM2.6 https://store.3drobotics.com/products/apm-2-6-kit-1
Reciever: 6ch FlySky http://www.hobbypartz.com/79p-r6b-receiver.html
Telemtry: 915mhz 100mW 3DR http://store.3drobotics.com/products/3dr-radio-telemetry-kit-915-mhz
Battery: (3) 5.0Ah 20C Turnigy Lipo: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__9184__turnigy_5000mah_3s_20c_lipo_pack.html
ESC: 60A Brushless http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__32820__TURNIGY_Plush_60amp_Speed_Controller_USA_Warehouse_.html
Motor: 3542 1450kv brushless http://hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=38700
Prop: 10x7 Carbon Fiber Folding http://www.hobby-lobby.com/10x7_carbon_fiber_cam_blade_798_prd1.htm
Servos: 11g digital http://hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=42620
Onboard camera: http://www.ebay.com/itm/16-V2-Lens-D-808-Key-Chain-Video-Camera-/380627482427?#ht_5755wt_1149

Learn More:
Buy the Raptor 140 Kit on MyGeekStore: http://store.mygeekshow.com/product-p/raptor-140-kit.htm
Learn More about the Raptor 140: http://www.mygeekshow.com/theairplanes/Raptor140.html
Raptor Details: http://www.mygeekshow.com/theairplanes/Raptor140.html
USA Trip Details: http://www.mygeekshow.com/usatrip/

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Filmed, Edited, Produced and Published by Trent in Arkansas, USA


godonholiday on January 25, 2014
Awesome job well done! Where did you place the 3rd battery? Cant wait for the next episode :)
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MyGeekShow on January 25, 2014
Thank you! Its place directly in front of the APM, right over the CG. This allows me to choose whether or not I want 10Ah or 15Ah, and I don't have to change any of the other components.
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godonholiday on January 27, 2014
Awesome job, cant wait till next week.
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MyGeekShow on January 27, 2014
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PaladinDG on January 25, 2014
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MyGeekShow on January 25, 2014
Thank you! It was a long, long flight. Just sitting there for 60 minutes while it flew around as a crazy mix of boring and intense. Thanks for watching!
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Jflyer20 on January 25, 2014
great work dude but how di u make it fly itself?

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MyGeekShow on January 25, 2014
I use a flight controller called the APM (see the link above). It can use data like altimeters and a GPS to know where it is and has the ability to control the motor and elevons to fly to specific location which I present using my laptop. Pretty cool! Go to DIYDrones.com to learn more.
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Endurance Flight: 62 Minutes/72km/44mi