e-RC Micro Stik

by FliteTest | January 18, 2011 | (8) Posted in Reviews

Don't miss Josh Scott's first solo flight! Josh Bixler prepares J.S. to do some indoor flying with a great little plane from Hobby Lobby. Watch as we use and abuse the eRC Micro Stik.


FAM17 on May 12, 2012
Great plane! I bought one for my dad and he loves it! The engine and gearbox module broke off but after 0.0000000001 seconds in super-glue surgery and it was flying again.
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Vichead on December 9, 2017
Great video! THANKS. Please do more indoor flying episodes. This time of year I will be doing a lot more indoor than outdoor flying in my area. On another subject it would be cool to learn more about LED lighting up airplanes for night flying. THANKS GUYS!!!
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