DVR Review, Mobuis wideangle on MiniQuad +Flights

by RCSchim | May 22, 2014 | (7) Posted in Reviews

Hobbyking DVR for my Groundstation:
After my "Auronzo Debakle" where I lost the big Quad and had no video from my downlink (which would have been awesome to review, better to find the exact crashsite...) I searched for a foolproof DVR for my groundstations (5.8 and 2.4). Since I dont want to buy two I made it easily transferable from one GS to the other.
Hobbyking had this easy, cheap SD Card rec only thing - and it looks good.

Mobius wideangle on my MiniQuad:
First flights with the quad were really great, but the Horyzon V3 didn't satisfy me. Jello due to vibrations and bad mounting, washed out colors, dark...
The mobius has so many new fans now - and that's now wonder. Very good quality for the price - nice and small, easy to mount. Convenient to setup (little PC proggy and programmable buttons...).


ray574 on May 23, 2014
Hi, I've seen a few of your videos, excellent! I wonder why you use 3 blade props when 2 blade are said to be more efficient for power and easily balanced to reduce vibration. Also, I have found Hobbyking to have very smooth brushless motor choices as well. Not trying to be critical, I really have enjoyed your videos and you inspire me to get my own quad copter going with video recording. Please keep the videos coming, they are a real treat.
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DVR Review, Mobuis wideangle on MiniQuad +Flights