Droidplanner-Mission Planner on your Droid MAVlink

by ox141jf | July 2, 2013 | (0) Posted in Projects

It has come to my attention that people are not noticing this amazing app that is being produced for Android to give full missionplanner functionality and more using Mavlink to your UNMODIFIED android device

Features: Follow Me (If you device has GPS, you can set your plane or copter to follow me and it will circle or hover above your point or trail behind you as you run for it :)


Parameters (Droidplanner has a Parameters screen which allows you to correct your parameters in flight from your android device, no laptops to lug around!


Accelerometer Calibration Droidplanner has Horizon calibration to allow you to calibrate your copter in the field, which can be a life saver if you go miles to fly and find the horizon is off.)


Flightpath Planning  Droidplanner Offers the ability to program your way points onto google maps with options for default altitude and more, it is very user friendly and works well!


Remote control Aircraft from app.  (This app has a very special feature which allows you to Control your model from the app using a touch screen interface, this means if something went wrong and you could not use your controller, or you have a friend who wants to try flying but do not have a buddy system, you can use this feature to control your Model!)


Remote control Camera Gimble (A feature unique to Droid planner allows you to control a camera gimple plugged into the apm from the App, this means rather than buying two controllers or modifying your controller to add extra control for the camera, simply switch to camera control and you have full ability to adjust the camera position as you like.)


Live Horizon and Map view with telemetry data  Switch to the flight data Tab and have full telemetry view with vocal alerts, Altitude Number of sattelites, position shown on map, Airspeed and ground speed, level and more.


These are some of the Prominent features of Droid planner, but there is so much more!.




If you want to know how to connect the MAVlink dongle to your android device it is very simple, you need to buy a chep usb to micro usb (depending on your device) adpater from somewhere like ebay or amazon, plug the one end into android device, the other into the MAV link and thats it!

Check it out, completely FREE 


Sirglider on August 2, 2013
It looks really promising. Unfortunately I cannot use it on my HTC One V as my 3dr Telemetry ground radio seems not to be powered by my phone and so the device is not recognized. Any fix for that?
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Sirglider on August 7, 2013
I am also planning to use it on an android tablet. Could you publish a list of tested models or so please. Thank you for the nice job done!
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Droidplanner-Mission Planner on your Droid MAVlink