Dollar Tree Kaos 70's retro

by wizard122 | May 6, 2014 | (5) Posted in Projects


Just  wanted to share my latest build. As always the  info I find here is so helpful. Just a little history my Father flew r/c since the late 50's and competed in many Pattern compations he passed away last Sept. so in his oner I wanted to build something from my childhood that reminded me of him. I started  with the Spitfire Plans and overlade plans from a Super Kaos jr that was published in RCM back in the 70's. All I realy  did was change the wing tips and the shape of the rudder and elivator a little and there you go it was easy  and flies great.


NTM 28-36 1000kv prop drive

Turnigy 45 amp esc

4  9 gram servos

Spectrum ar600 rx

10x6 APC  prop

Hope you enjoy the photos

If you have questions let me know.



wizard122 on May 24, 2014
Thanks going flying now will report back later

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Bill Pihl on May 25, 2014
Great job, waiting for the video, Joe and I flew many of these before going to the Dirty Birdy, I still have one of my original KAOS that survived hanging up in my garage.
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wizard122 on May 25, 2014
very cool
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wizard122 on May 25, 2014
new video
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uncle willie on May 24, 2014
Very nice but I'm spoiled, awaiting video.
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wizard122 on May 25, 2014
Just added video
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ece31316 on May 30, 2014
is there a template for this?
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wizard122 on June 3, 2014
sorry no just download the kaos plans and over lay them to get the new shapes
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LordVader on May 23, 2014
Very cool, nice job. I like the old balsa gassers too.
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Dollar Tree Kaos 70's retro