Dollar tree C-130. 4 engines and 76" WS

by lupine | March 9, 2014 | (69) Posted in Projects





Maiden Flight 4/3/2014

Sketchup Files-  Zoom out on the plans and you will see  other parts to the plans which help in construction.   The are for the 78" plane but can be easily rescaled in sketchup to any size.   If you build and fly one please send me pictures and videos.  I would love to see them.  I would be happy to help with any construction issues...

wing nacelle sketchup file

wing sketchup file

fuselage sketchup files


 PDF plans

Fuselage bulkheads plans

Fuselage bulkheads- 1 page 

Main wing plans - Tiled

Main wing plans -1 page

Nacelle plans - Tiled

Nacelle plans- 1 page

Original plans that I adapted for this project:

was for 64"WS put I enlarged plans to 74"WS. 

Hi Gang,

Just about finished with this massive 76" wingspan C-130J.  Big jump going from my cargo twin engine plane to this four engine monster.  Used plans of old control line C-130 I got off the internet, added some length to the fuselage to make it a C-130J and scaled it up from 48" to 76" WS.  I just scaled it by enlarging PDF file and printing them.  Constructed plane with FFF and DT foam internal framework and skinned plane with paper stripped DT foam. 



Wings were constructed using a modified Flitetest technique with DT foam keeping the scale airfoil which most interestingly has thickest part of airfoil at 50% for best lift.


Powered by 4x 2822 1450kv, 4x 8x3.8SF  and 4x 20A speed controls.  Should have over 600W of power.  Controls are throttle with differential thrust(R/L), Flaperons(ailerons/flaps), elevator, rudder and Bombay in midsection.  Kept everthing light and sound be fun to fly.  Goes against my usual mantra "quick build" but it sure is a cool looking plane.  All that is left is installing some servos, adding the decals and some other details. Just have to wait for the the snow to melt in NH to try this bad boy. 


 I am trying to convert my modified paper plans to sketchup and then to PDF for everyone.  I will try to post as quick as I can.  For now here are the main wings.

Here is what the interior of one og the nacelles looks like. 

Main wing plans - Tiled

Main wing plans -1 page

Nacelle plans - Tiled

Nacelle plans- 1 page

Just finished bulk of the fuselage section. REMEMBER- I overbuilt the internal structure of the fuselage(see my pictures). Just reinforce bulkheads as needed around wing area, possible creation of bomb bay or rear door, and area for battery, esc and receiver below wing. I created a large shelf there. I just wrapped the fuselage in dollar tree foam with paper stripped of one side and pre-curved, leaving the bottom(flatter part) of the fuselage for later covering.

Fuselage bulkheads plans

Fuselage bulkheads- 1 page

Original plans that I started with and adapted.  Plans are for 64"WS.  I enlarged to 74"WS

Best Regards- Joe

Happy to answer questions-  please post build pics!!!!!




Here is adaption for a 64"WS C130.

1. "use nacelle plans- 1 page" and enlarge 1.66 times.

2. "fuselage bulheads- 1 page" and enlarge 2.6 times.  Then use dimensions on "64.fuselage cross sections" and "64.fuselage cross section skew" for construction

3. main wing use "64 main wing" as dimensions for construction

64" main wing pdf

 Main fuselage basic construction showing horizontal and vertical supports.  Probably overkill but its gives support and easier to cover with the foam.  The fuselage has length added to make it a C-130J

Boxes built in lower mid section: forward one is small bomb bay and rear box is support for main wheels.  I reenforced tail of fuselage section with 3/16 square dowels for added support.  They also stuck out a few inches to secure to the horizontal stabilizer later.  Not really sure if they were needed.




Single page wing plans

Tiled full page wing plans


Jaxx on March 25, 2014
I'm speechless! This is my one of my favorite planes! The other one is the A-10. Where did you find the plans? I want to build one of these. How hard was it? If you're willing, I would love some more details about the build. Do you have experience building balsa models? I'm trying to guage how difficult it will be for me to build one of these, as the only experience I have are the scratch builds designed by FliteTest. Thanks for sharing!
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BirdMan9876 on April 9, 2014
Just listen to that amazingly beautiful sound of all four engines a-whirl at take off. and I just love how great it flies for such a large model.
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pablolc99 on March 25, 2014
can you post the plans?
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nerdnic on March 25, 2014
Wow! Would love some plans of this build.
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LordVader on March 25, 2014
Absolutely awesome. Can't believe it. Something I am going to have to try. Love to see some plans or what you went off of. Thanks for sharing.
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Andrew C. on March 25, 2014
Looks absolutely amazing. Can't wait for a flight video.
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RotateB4TheEnd on March 25, 2014
I'm sure they'd love to see this at the "warbird" themed flitefest!
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hursto75 on March 25, 2014
Looks great, Plans Plans!!
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VAND3R on March 25, 2014
That is Beautiful! My dad used to fly in C-130s and I've always wanted to make one but my piloting skills are not very good at the moment. (need some practice I'm still a beginner) I am though working on a design, the Brewster F2A Buffalo. I have the v1 plans up on the forums but have yet to aquire foam board to test it. Some day I will scratchbuild a C-130.
C-130s are beautiful though great job!
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earthsciteach on March 25, 2014
Extremely impressive. I'd love to see a full build log.
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lupine on March 25, 2014
Here are the plans that I used as a guide. They were old balsa control line plans from the 1950's. I printed the plans from the PDF file and increase wingspan from 64"to 76" by increasing size in print window and tiling the printout. I pretty much overbuilt the fuselage and would use less internal structure next time. I did add length to the fuselage in front and back of the wing to be consistent with the longer fuselage of the C-130J. I will start on sketchup plans for the plan as I have most of the design on paper. I was designing as I was building. Wing was classic Flitetest wing creation which worked well.
Waiting for the weather to get a little nicer here in northern NH so I can fly it.
I can start on the fuselage plans or the wing whichever you guys want first. It shouldn't take that long.

To build a simpler version here is a link:
Just make a flitetest type wing or KFM airfoil with a round or square fuselage with solid foam carved nose.

Here are the plans I use to adapt to the plan. Note- these plans are for 64"ws. My plans will be for 76"WS.

Best Regards- Joe

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Hamees on April 3, 2020
Hi. I want to know while printing this plan what dimensions of the sheet will I give to the person printing it? I mean what will be the length and width of the plan being printed?
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spetnazer on March 25, 2014
Waooowww...awesomeeee! unbelievable...I hope you do not mind to upload a build log video of this aircraft. Because, there are many who love this plane.
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Red20RC on March 25, 2014
That is some nice work! Especially like the way you have done all the compound curves in the fuselage. No way I'd have the patience for something like that!
Look forward to seeing a flight video... :-)
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lFritZl on March 26, 2014 cant wait to see a flight vid? ;P
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MDOwn on March 26, 2014
Wow. Best scratch build I've ever seen. How does it fly?
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rcflyer729 on March 26, 2014
that looks awesome
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iflyfoam2112 on March 26, 2014
That is fantastic!
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lupine on March 26, 2014
Main wing plans posted in article. Will convert my modified paper plans to sketchup then to pdf. Will try to post nacelles and fuselage soon.
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btallis on March 26, 2014
Ummm.. Wow!!!!!!! That's all I got to say...
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fuzzylollipop on March 26, 2014
Wow this looks really nice! Great job!
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bensgreentrain on March 26, 2014
Hi. I would just like to say great job. I did something similar with an old set of Goldberg plans for a big cub. I've flown it once and it flew great. It is a little challenging but the building process for little air planes does work well in a larger format. By adding a little balsa it's pretty easy to do. Keep up the good work.
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Yogenh on March 26, 2014
I love it need the plans for it you did a great job with it

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Yogenh on March 26, 2014
I tried to download the file one and it didn't work. Got the ones that are for the wing
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grackle on March 26, 2014
Wow. Just wow.

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lupine on March 26, 2014
*** I am creating the plans in PDF form from my paper modifications. So far I finished the wing plans, currently working on wing nacelle then the fuselage.

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Gryf on March 26, 2014
Now that's just amazing! I'm seriously looking forward to seeing some inflight videos. Great work!
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casehatter on March 27, 2014
Well you got my attention, now I will be very impressed when she fly's.. I would like to know the motor and servo set up and how you arranged it..?? Looken forward to the maiden as I'm sure you are chapping at the bites..!!
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Gikar on March 27, 2014
Beautiful job on the C130. We have 2 of them flying over our house all summer because they do training such as dropping of supplies by means of low passes, kind of a touch and go thing. The C130s fly out of Pittsburgh. Thanks for the plans, it will be a challenging project for later in the year.
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p-51boy on March 27, 2014
vary nice
keep up the good work
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kenton on March 27, 2014
Awesome job! I started working on a B-17 recently, and this is really motivating! Really nice looking plane. Would love to see how she flies.
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Stubbs101 on March 28, 2014
That looks amazing, It's a long term plan to get a C130 or other large lift plane and attempted to do some LAPES drops, (Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System) and a parachute drop, might be a way off yet though
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lupine on March 28, 2014
I was surprised how easy it was to build. Longest time was the planning and thinking about the conversion from balsa to foam. I was adapting and changing the plans as I built it, as you can see from the nacelle construction. Once I figured out how to construct it, build time was very short. Soldering all the wires and connectors took the longest time. Especially all the Y connectors for the batteries which gave me the most trouble.
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Jaxx on March 29, 2014
I hate to even ask after you have already shared so much of your hard work on this project, but is there any chance you might have non-tiled versions of these plans? I usually send my plans to a print shop to cut down on the time it takes to trim and tape the tiled plans together. As long as one of the dimensions of the PDF document is smaller than 36 inches, they can print it on a single sheet.
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Jaxx on March 29, 2014

When I saw this article, it made my day! Actually, it made my whole week! I'll probably have to scale this back down to a 64" WS, or I won't be able to transport it. Hmmmm, maybe I need to buy a bigger vehicle. This hobby is getting out of control!
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lupine on March 29, 2014
I know the feeling. This is the biggest plane by far I've ever built and this monster barely fits in the wife's minivan. I am still trying to figure out all the printing/pdf quirks of sketchup. Not exactly sure how to make real size print in single pdf yet but will work on it today. But for now will post single page plans of same. If you want I can try to convert all drawings to 64"WS. It shouldn't be that hard.
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Jaxx on March 29, 2014
I'm grateful for anything you're willing to do, and I know it takes time and effort, so I'm happy to wait as long as it takes for you to figure it out. A 64" WS version would be great, if you can find the time to do it. I so badly want to lean SketchUp, but I cant seem to find the time. Once you figure out how to do the real size print on in single PDF, that will be great. That makes it so easy to get these plans done at a print shop. It also allows me to support a local business. Thanks again!
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lupine on March 30, 2014
At the end of the article I included instructions on how to print out 64"WS from the one page PDF. The main wing is just by dimensions so go by the picture.
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Jaxx on March 30, 2014

I can't thank you enough for taking the time to do the conversion. I will probably be using DTFB for the bulkheads, as I can't seem to find any of the FFF locally.
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lupine on March 31, 2014
I built the C-130 90% out of DTFB. Not sure why I actually used some FFF in the plane???? I like DTFB better because its much stronger than FFF. Now that I know how to treat and paint the DTFB- its my favorite construction material.
Home Depot and Lowes carry FFF but it is sometimes hard to find and it is so "wavy" its almost unusable. I found a great supply a Harvey Building Products: which supplies local window and door companies in our small city of 100K. I imagine if you call around you will be able to find a similar supplier in your area. It is a supplier only and does not sell to the public but I just walk in and tell them about using it to build RC planes and they want to hear all about it, AND give me a discount. The stuff is PERFECTLY flat and easy to build with.
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elmersmith1 on March 31, 2014
I am in the proccess of building a 48" model of a Grumman Sky Rocket. I got a plan of Dave Rees ff model and enlarged it. I am building of dollar tree foam using the mortis and tendon joints for the fuselage with foam formers. The wing is folded over a foam spar. I removed the paper from the inside of the wing skin and with closely spaced grooves, I got a smooth airfoil. The wing is in 3 sections and joined with alignment spacers of foam.The nose is laminated foam with the paper removed as will be the engine cowling. I am removing the paper and covering with colored plastic tape which makes for a strong build. Removing the paper reduces the weight over 1/2. After I finish and weight it I can order the motors and gear. Thanks for the idea for the removable landing gear.
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ankit dhama on March 31, 2014
Hey you did awesome job I want to make a plane with coroplast I have 30 amp esc and a battery 1500 mah 7.2 v tell me which moter i use which can be use for my plane battery weight 77 gm i have a moter which have 500 gm thrust with weight 27 gm and it need 20 amp can i use these three is any risk using 30 amp in place of 20 amp and can this combination good please help I am help less please
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GFergy on April 1, 2014
That is very impressive! Please post a video of your maiden!
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Flying Penguin RC on April 4, 2014
amazing build, I want to give this 10 stars!
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lupine on April 4, 2014
Maiden was today and it flew fantastic. Great climb and lots of power.

Maiden C-130J 4/3/2014

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Jaxx on April 5, 2014
That was a beautiful maiden! Dimensions for the tail section?
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lupine on April 5, 2014
If doing the 64" version use dimensions of the original control line pdf plans that I have a link to in article. If building the 76" version that I built, enlarge 64" pdf version by 116%(1.16). That increases size from 64 to 76". Hope that answers the questions. As you can see from the maiden video she flew line a dream! I edited out some of the crazy aerobatics I did since the video became blurry.
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Jaxx on April 7, 2014
Did you remove the paper from all of the DT foam you used in this build?
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lupine on April 7, 2014
When using DTFB for a structural component, I leave all the paper on and this gives enormous strength and no flexibility. When using DTFB and curving it around the fuselage and wings I take the paper off on the inside of the curve. The paper is left on the outside. This gives the DTFB ability to bend easily and still have paper on the outside. I pre curve all pieces to make construction easier. Usually on the edge of a countertop. ie the fuselage covering is pre rounded to a tube and bent in place so it just slips into place over the fuselage framework before gluing. Does that help?

Wing is bent:constructed like they do in flitetest models and also like the Armin wing in the video:

Happy to answer all your questions. Joe

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Jaxx on April 9, 2014
It helps a lot. Thanks. I've never done a build like this, so this is new to me. Thanks again
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Jaxx on April 6, 2014
Thanks for the info. I've been watching some scratch-building videos that utilize this balsa-style of building. I want to start this build as soon as possible, but not sure my building skills are quite up to the task. I'm still going to give it a shot though. We'll see what happens.
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Yogenh on April 12, 2014
Iupine where in N.H. are you? You did a really great job on this plane. I don't know if I can do as good but it is one that I would love to have.
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lupine on April 12, 2014
I live in Bedford and fly at the soccer/lacrosse field by the farm on Joppa hill road (huge area).
The c-130 is an easy build, if you have built a FT plane before. Nothing new in the construction, its just bigger. The hard part was making all the curved surfaces fit together as I was building it and making the plans. The plane flies incredible as you can see by the video.
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broski1 on April 13, 2014
that is crazy awsome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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spetnazer on April 15, 2014
hi Lupine ... if there is no picture or video that explains more details about the making of this aircraft ... especially at the time of making the fuselage and wings? I hope there is ... because I've been looking for someone in the groups that make this type of aircraft in detail. thank you
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lupine on April 16, 2014
Hi Spetnazer,
After the aircraft was done I made the build log. My friend suggested I do the build log after I was done. Sorry but I would have taken more pictures and video if I would have know from the start I was going to do a build log. This was the first build log I've ever done. I made the plans digital after the construction from my paper adaption of the old plans. I would be glad to explain or make a demonstration video of any technique that I used. I will make sure it is more thorough next time. My second build log was a little better for the twin engine Goliath.
I built the C-130J because couldn't find anyone who had an easy version out of foam. The wing is pretty straight forward and the fuselage I tried to simplify by all the diagrams. Cut out the parts, glue then wrap. I'm still waiting for someone to start one so I can help them out. I will try to make some videos or more pictures of construction.

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Jaxx on April 17, 2014
I am starting mine this weekend, and I will have to take you up on the offer to provide assistance. This is a little more challenging than any of the other builds I have done. I've been trying to figure out where to start.
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Jaxx on April 17, 2014
I just checked out the Goliath build. It's amazing!
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lupine on April 17, 2014
Jaxx, tell me where you want to start, wing or fuselage, and I will walk you through it. What size are you building?- Joe
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Jaxx on April 18, 2014
I want to start with the fuselage, because that seems to be the most challenging part of the build. I will be building the 64" version.
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lupine on April 20, 2014
First print out plans of the original control line model plans for reference and the print out the two diagrams of the 64" fuselage with dimensions (side and oblique view). Print out 64" fuselage bulkheads plans.

cut out F3, F10(x5), F12, F13, F14 and F15.
cut out all the little pieces connecting the bulkhead together using fuselage dimension diagram.
put bulkheads together as in picture*****(make sure straight, and top of all bulkhead pieces on same level)

Look at picture of my bulkhead construction and cut and place horizontal pieces between bulkheads giving a floor between bulkheads. These rest on top of vertical pieces between bulkheads. also look at pictures to support where landing gear go and where the wing is placed. These are all internal structures for support and likely overdone by me. As long as everything lines up you can do anything you want. I found that wrapping it in foam gives fantastic support even without the extra internal supports. Let me know if this makes sense and how things are going....... Joe
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Jaxx on April 22, 2014
I have the original control line plans printed now. I picked up some Elmer's foam board to make the bulkheads, since I can't find any 1/4" foam at the hardware local. stores. I will print the plans you made today and start cutting. I will let you know if I get stuck on something. Thanks again for all the help with this.
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lupine on April 20, 2014
Jaxx- Added two pictures of fuselage above to give you more help with construction.
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Jaxx on April 22, 2014
Awesome! Those pictures help a lot.
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lupine on April 22, 2014
Are you in the US? Dollar tree stores carry foam board that is very light and strong. Regular foam board (ie elmers) from craft and other stores is quite heavy and the paper is very hard to get off. That or you can construct entire plane out of fan fold foam (FFF). FFF is Found at building supplies places. Or even Depron, which is hard to get in US. Just a worry that using regular foam board could make the plane heavy.
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Jaxx on April 22, 2014
Yes. I'm in the US. I was only going to use the Elmer's foam board for the bulkheads. I figured the bulkheads should be more rigid since you used FFF for yours. Do you recommend using DT foam board for the entire build? I have tons of it (I buy it by the case), so that wouldn't be a problem.
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lupine on April 22, 2014
You won't find FFF at a local hardware store. The FFF is used as an underlayment for exterior siding. You can find it at lowes/ homedepot/ menards/ 84 lumber....... or any building supply warehouse. Even window/ door / siding companies or suppliers carry it. I bought mine from a wholesale window and door supplier in Manchester NH and it was perfectly flat and not wavy like the stuff in Home Depot or lowes.
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Jaxx on April 22, 2014
I believe the availability of the 1/4" FFF is dependant on where you are in the US. None of the Lowes stores in my area carry it. I can get 1/2" and 1" sheets, but not the FFF. I will try to find a local wholesale window and door supplier to see if they carry it. I have some Depron too, but if I can do it all with the DT foam board (much cheaper), I would prefer to do that (at least for the first build). The Depron goes for about $9 a sheet. Fortunately, there is a supplier about 5 minutes from my house, so I don't have to pay for shipping.
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lupine on April 22, 2014
Jaxx, Use DT foam board for the whole thing. As I stated above, not even sure why I used any FFF at all. Joe
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Jaxx on April 23, 2014
That works for me.
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Jaxx on April 24, 2014
Are those individually cut vertical sections between the bulkheads? From the pictures, it looks like the vertical section is one solid piece that runs the length of the fuselage.
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lupine on April 24, 2014
They are all individual cut pieces between bulkheads. Use dimensions on side view of fuselage diagram for guide to piece size.
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Jaxx on May 8, 2014
Got the plans printed today. Not sure if I got the sizing right. The scale on the single page bulkhead plans measured just under an inch. I assume it's correct for the 64" WS version. For some reason the nacelle plans were huge. I requested them at the sizes you recommended.....enlarged 3.9 times(390% scale). Did I miss something?
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lupine on May 8, 2014
Sorry. My initial calculation wrong. Take the Nacelle 1 page and print that PDF at 166% . It will come out perfect. Not sure what happened?????? Just verified on my printer.
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lupine on May 8, 2014
I rechecked Bulkhead calculation. It is correct. Use bulkheads 1 page pdf and increase by 260%. The horizontal dividing line on bulkhead F10 should measure 6.5 inches.
I would love to see your build. Post your build pictures on the rcgroups site if you can. I will give you all the help you need.
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Jaxx on May 10, 2014
I had the print shop print the 1 page bulkhead plans at 260%. The length of the horizontal dividing line on bulkhead F10 is right at 7.25 inches. I wonder if their equipment is scaling it differently. I will talk to them to see if there is a way to measure the line on the F-10 bulkhead when they scale it, before they send it to the printer. That way, I don't have to pay for ones that print incorrectly. This is the number one plane on my build list, so I will not rest until I get this right. I will be happy to take pictures of the build as I go, and post them to rcgroups. Again, thanks for all your help with this.
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lupine on May 10, 2014
Jaxx, Sorry about the trouble.
The 76"WS F10 bulkhead is 7.5" wide. If you scale it back to the original 64" size in the control line plans by PDF that bulkhead should be 6.5". I confirmed by both downscaling 76" to 64" on the sketchup plans and also mathematically
(74"WS +2"tips/64'WS) = (7.5" F10 for larger WS/ X" F10 width for smaller WS)
solved for X=(64*7.5)/74= 6.49"

I verified this on my computer by increasing the printing size of the 64" bulkhead 1 page PDF by 260% and printing in tile mode. Not sure whats going on? I can post the sketchup files in 64" if that would help. I'm still learning sketchup and not all that great at printing pdfs. I cannot figure out how to make one page PDF in actual size yet. Make sure to print out the original plans of the 64" control line plane for referencing. It helps a lot. There are some other templates I have which helped a lot (ie how to cut fuselage to fit wing). I would just work on the basic fuselage and main wing first then we can tackle some of the details.

I have to say this is the best plane I ever build and is awesome to fly. We can figure this out. It will be a fun build. Should be a lot easier than when I did it. I made it up as I went along.

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Jaxx on June 2, 2014

I'm still working on the 64" C-130 project, just got delayed momentarily. Had a personal situation come up, but trying to get back on track. I will be contacting you with questions. Thanks again for all the help.
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lupine on June 2, 2014
Hi Jaxx,
I was wondering if you just gave up? Good to hear your still on the project. I will gladly answer any questions and post more diagrams and plans as needed. Been flying the C130 a lot. Have about 12 flights on it. People always stop, watch and take pictures when I fly it at local lacrosse/ soccer field. -Joe
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Jaxx on June 2, 2014
Not at all. I've been trying to find plans for a C-130 for quite some time, so I couldn't be happier to have found your project. My wife's car was stolen a few weeks ago, so I've been dealing with that, and I recently changed jobs, so there has been a lot going on. I am finally getting back on track with the C-130 project, and will keep you updated. Thanks again!
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bmwflyboy on June 22, 2014
Hey Joe,

Amazing work. So amazing I would like to build one too! I don't have enough room in my house for the full size though. I am planning on scaling it down to maybe half size or so. Also, do you think you would be able to send me a copy of the Sketchup files for this build?
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lupine on June 25, 2014
Bmwflyboy Thanks for the compliment. I have been trying to add sketchup files to site but keeps giving me error code.???? Send me an email and I will send you the sketchup files- Joe
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Flying Fox on November 19, 2014
Awesome Mate
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akmk10000 on February 17, 2015
Awesome! I was wondering if anyone had built a C-130 and here it is. Good job. Very nice looking plane.
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rkozak on August 15, 2015
Looks great and cool.....whats the AUW? Are you satisfied with the power setup ?
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RipG on December 1, 2015
Was looking for any RC version of the C-130 and came across this. I am simply amazed and humbled that you would put this detailed of a plan online! Thank you very much.
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jpb165 on February 15, 2016
what is fff foam?
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jpb165 on February 15, 2016
I am also getting error code fior email: did you finish up the nose
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newbiehobbyguy on February 19, 2016
This is awesome
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jpb165 on February 22, 2016
ok...starting to layout my build....trying to figure battery placementunderwing or more towards nose...can you help?
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lupine on February 29, 2016
I completed the plane first and then determined the battery layout. Luckily the COG was almost perfect location without any batteries. With my 78" plane I use 2x 2200mah which gives me 20-25 flight time. The batteries lie alongside each other lengthwise and parallel to fuselage. Most forward part of battery is at leading edge of wing. They lie right under wing. That gives you a COG that is 25-33% of cord. Can use single battery if you want and makes no difference. Easy since didn't have to make compartment for battery in front of wing. Depending on construction will determine your layout. ie wheels/apron/motor/esc/paint. The rear part of fuselage has to be reenforced with square spruce dowels as it is too weak with foam alone. I will send a picture of layout when I get home, currently away on vacation.

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RobOude on April 1, 2016
Hey Joe, excellent built! Thank you for posting.

I am a volunteer prop builder with our theatre-on-ice-team, the Space Coast Hurricanes in Rockledge Florida. We plan to built one of these models for an ice skating compettion and it does not have to fly. Just strong enough so the kids and the ice conditions wont destroy it and light enough for a couple of kids to carry it while skating. We are planning to built the 64" wingspan one. Can we pick your brain now and then for clues?
For starters: is the blue foam 1/2"? and do you cut it with a foam cutter?

Thanks, Rob Oudejans
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lupine on April 1, 2016
Hi Rob,
I'd be glad to help. The entire plane can be built out of dollar tree foam board(the foam with paper on both sides that is 20"x30"). All else you need is a piece of styrofoam for the nose(old cooler), a hot glue gun, a long wooden dowel and a roll of clear packing tape. I used a single edge razor blade to cut it out. Thing about dollar tree foam board is that is you have to rub on some polyurethane onto the foam board before you paint it. If you paint dollar tree foam board with out treating it-all the paper peels off. Let me know what ever help or guidance you need. You can make a real simple version. Just enough to look like a c-130 and strong enough to carry. You can email me at
Best Regards-Joe
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Razor7177 on July 10, 2018

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atr2600 on February 23, 2020
Working on my c130 build. Using your plans!!!
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Dollar tree C-130. 4 engines and 76" WS