DJI Phantom aerial video

by carlocivicsi | December 9, 2013 | (5) Posted in Challenges


this was a day in Cocoa beach Florida and i saw a cruise liner and i decided to catch up to it.

i used a dji phantom with dual battery setup and a zenmuse gimbal. for video i was using 5.8ghz and for control i was using a ezuhf.


hope you guys like it.



enjoy the video.


RcDad on December 10, 2013
Always remember when flying near pretty much any commercial offshore ships they have very powerful radar for storms and probably other high power communications. Staying above them would be a little safer. Flying down on their level if they have that equipment turned on you will probably drop out of the sky. That's probably what happened when you lost signal. If you have a piece of wire hooked to your receiver say 12 inches long going to one of your esc's. It is an antenna for whatever frequency. If you are close to a radar or cell tower pumping out some serious signal all your wires will start picking up those signals and freaking your aircraft out! A quick google search on 'cruise ship radar watts' reveals a peak power of 4k watts on 9445 mhz. That bands antenna size is around 12.5 inches. Says 'average power is between .5 and 2 watts. which is a heck of a lot more than a normal .125 watt rc transmitter. I don't know how that calculate 'average' that may include the time that it's turned off. Some of my figures may be off, but you get the idea. Be careful and have fun! :)
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1morehobby on December 9, 2013
What are you using for editing software and which camera. Very nice video.
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carlocivicsi on December 10, 2013
using final cut x and that was the gopro3 black edition. thanks for liking.
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yiduo.zhan on December 11, 2013
I saw the port Carnaveral! Where did you take off? Jetty Park?
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carlocivicsi on December 11, 2013
forgot the name of the place. i just know it was cocoa beach.
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RoyBro on December 10, 2013
While fun, I'm not sure it's a good idea to be chasing cruise ships with what the public would see as a "drone".
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Hunter Staples on December 9, 2013
Dude, you've got balls to fly that thing over the ocean :-)
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Fbords on December 9, 2013
Yeah...what he said... :O that thing ain't cheap.
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carlocivicsi on December 10, 2013
And I forgot to mention that when I was in the very Front of the cruise ship I lost video reception so I had to do what everyone hates to do put it in failsafe and I waited five minutes and thank God it came back home,, those were the longest five minutes of my life
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carlocivicsi on December 9, 2013
yeah was scary but if we never try it then where is the fun of it???? right ?? :)
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DJI Phantom aerial video