David teaches Josh how to Discus Launch and shares some tips for achieving a successful flight with a DLG.
After seeing comments and requests from viewers, we created this episode on DLG's.
The newest DLG glider that David is flying is the Neos from ArmSoar.
The first thing to do with any glider is to chuck it into the wind and make sure everything is working correctly.
The handle is designed to be held with the pads of the fingers.
Everybody will have thier own unique style of throwing but generally you want to keep your arm straight when throwing.
When launching, you want to throw into the wind and aim for the horizon.DLG's also known as hand launched gliders are refered to as F3K in the competition world. When flying, search around for areas with lift, cross the wind and watch the plane. With practice you will begin to understand how the DLG works.The Neos is hand-crafted with Carboline STF, fiberglass and other lightweight composite materials and features a rudder.
Flying hand launched R/C gliders is a unique experience and is something everyone should try.
There are many kinds of DLG's to choose from, the Neos is one of David's personal favorites.
Learn more about the Neos from ArmSoar Composite Gliders:
Other hand launched gliders:
Versus Composite DLG
Learn more about competition hand launched gliders here:
Check out some more cool slow motion discus launches here:
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So the configuration that offers the most effective airflow manipulation with the least amount of disturbance would be the best choice.
At least that's how my 'Armchair Aeronautics' thinks of it.
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It still should make it harder to break the tail since the control surfaces will be further from the ground. Plus it'll look cool.
That is a good question though. I have no idea if they make them and if they don't, I don't know why.
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Loved this episode, and got some nice tips to improve my throwing style on my Elf.
Also an issue that was not covered was adding balast for windy days or slope soaring.
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But I have to say this is maybe the best episode to date. It had a wonderful mix of inventive shot angles, explanations of the physics and human interaction all beautifully explained by David.
And the plane looked elegant and almost organic.
Prediction. . . Flitetest classic episode. :)
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Thanks in advance.
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