Direct Drive Brusless Gimbal

by fly-eye | March 18, 2013 | (6) Posted in Just Fun



Testing performance of our newly built brushless gimbal. It's using direct drive motors instead of servos. There is no servo gimbal that can compete with this kind of technology.


fly-eye on March 18, 2013
yes..but only for small cam.
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strows on March 18, 2013
This is awesome!!! I can see myself using something like this while snowboarding.
Keep up the great work!
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fly-eye on March 19, 2013
It's just home made prototype to satisfy needs for our aerial filming company. I think this technolgy will be very popular this year. Many companies are in this moment developing such gimbals and in few weeks it will be on the market. Search for AlexMos controller based gimbal systems.
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Remco on April 1, 2013
Which contorl board did you use? And can you maybe make a tutorial for programming / connecting it?
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flyingAce on March 18, 2013
Is the Zemuse direct drive?
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gmyers2112 on March 18, 2013
Is this a prototype for a retail product? Do you expect to sell a variety of sizes for different applications? At what price point?
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flyingizm0 on March 20, 2013
would you share your CAD files maybe? I dont have a milling machine but would like to 3d print such gimbal. I am also working on my own solution now but I like yours! greetings, Giz
gzebedin at gmail dot com
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MidwestRob on March 18, 2013
Wow, very impressive!
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Direct Drive Brusless Gimbal