Daughter's first plane

by rames | March 19, 2013 | (6) Posted in Projects

After flying my PZ-P-47 all last summer on a buddy box, my daughter asked for her own plane as a present for her 7th birthday.  The 3 Pack Swappable Speed Build Kit was the perfect answer.  Below are some pics from the build and the finished product.  Note to first timers like me with regard to the electronics:  double check the location of the warehouse you are ordering from when using HobbyKing. I had to duplicate my  order from LazerToyz to get the parts in time for her birthday.  The HK order was at warehouse in Singapore for weeks while the LazerToyz order made it days.   Don't get me wrong, HK has great prices and selection but the international orders can take some time.  Just plan ahead.  Of couse, now I have more parts for more planes!

Following along with Josh B.

Center your servos first!

The finished product.  The dragon stencil, gold paint and flag were all my daughter's choices.   If it ever stops snowing in New England, we'll be able to fly this puppy.  Thank you to Flite Test for making these kits available and so easy to do for a novice like myself.  I have a happy daughter and I'm one proud Dad.


cloud9photos on March 20, 2013
Awesome, My kids built there planes too, I just haven't had time to post any pics yet. Plus we have had such bad weather lately that we haven't been able to fly at all.
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Bolvon72 on March 20, 2013
Very cool, too bad my daughters a teenager, the only interest she has is coming in to say "Do you have to run your motors up in the house?!?"
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oneiwily on March 21, 2013
built one with my 6 YO nephew, wicked to build and fly..
it fly (and crush) real nice once you balance it.
and the repairs are easy on the field as well.
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WhiskeyJack on March 20, 2013
Bother, you are a lucky man! My little girl was only intrested in those big fury things that eat hay!
Treasure these moments,they will only happen once. If your lucky you may get a second chance with your grandchild. Make the best of it. All the best WJ.
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Excogitate on March 25, 2013

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tramsgar on March 20, 2013
Really nice paint job! Would've loved some extra pics of that being done.
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Daughter's first plane