correHcopter:SPADed version of Flitetest's Hcopter

by samlikespad | February 14, 2013 | (4) Posted in Projects


tinbasher on February 15, 2013
I had thought about a foamboard quad before, glad to see one flying. Nice Job!
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Adib Vahedi on February 15, 2013
Cool great quad copter and great kangaroo jumping at the end!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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cloud9photos on February 15, 2013
Thanks for the photos, this looks like a good idea to try!!

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cloud9photos on February 15, 2013
Cool indeed! got any more photos you care to share with us?

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samlikespad on March 5, 2013
Sorry, was away on a trip. Materials used are,
4mm Coro for the main fuse
3mm coro triangular tubes or wood for the motor mount cross piece
emax motors x 4
HK 25/30A esc
8x4 slow fly props
HK KK board (blue)
2.2 Lipo

There are endless possibilities, I just wanted to try the simplest to see whether it will fly good enough. I googled a lot to see if any one has done a SPAD version of quads. Couldn't find any. Then decided to give it a try myself. Tried the X first and quickly moved on to flitetest's H version.
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gmyers2112 on February 23, 2013
need to set the gain on your gyros

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twan1997 on February 18, 2013
are these the emaxx 2822 motors? :)

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gmyers2112 on February 23, 2013
publish a list of materials, please.
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samlikespad on February 15, 2013
Thanks dear all! Glad you liked it :) This is the second quad I built using SPAD materials. First one was an X and it was called correXcopter. Was not happy with the results and then saw flitetest's Hcopter video. I do have some of the build pics but dont know how to post them here :(
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samlikespad on February 19, 2013
Yess they are. Being new to Quads, I went with the most inexpensive combos and settiled on emax 2822, hk 25/30 esc and hk board. No regrets so far :)
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correHcopter:SPADed version of Flitetest's Hcopter